10 Most Memorable & Hilarious Quotes From Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 That Make The Movie Even Better
The release of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 concludes one of the most successful trilogies in the MCU history, easily on par with Spider-Man and Captain America’s. The movie ends with the bittersweet send-off to the original Guardian squad, with Quill returning to Earth with his grandfather, Drax and Nebula staying on Knowhere to raise the children, Mantis setting out on her own adventure, and Rocket becoming the new leader of the team.
The film is full of hilarious yet emotional moments, from Adam Warlock’s entrance to Rocket’s tragic past, and the characters’ hysterical lines add even more colors to these scenes. The characters know how to bring out the emotion in the audience through words Let’s look back at some of the greatest quotes said by the characters of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, both heroes and villains alike, to relieve some of the best moments in the movie.
#1. “Hurt.” - Rocket Raccoon

Rocket’s past is revealed in the latest entry of the franchise, and boy it’s a heartbreaking one. Being brutally experimented on by the High Evolutionary’s crew since he was just a cub, the first word that comes out of Rocket’s mouth when he gained his sentience was “Hurt.” That single word pierces right through the audience’s hearts, and we immediately feel the urge to protect this precious raccoon at any cost.
#2. “She’s a good dog.” – Kraglin

We’re glad to see Kraglin having more room to grow in the movie, as the successor of Yondu’s Yaka Arrow. However, he didn’t really master it at first, and instead revert his frustration onto Cosmo’s head, claiming that she’s a bad dog. This affected Cosmo heavily, making her depressed during the whole movie, pleading Kraglin to take back his word, but to no avail.
Only in the final battle, when Cosmo saves Kraglin from one of the Hellspawn created by the High Evolutionary, the latter decide to approve that she’s a good dog. Not only Cosmo, but us viewers also rejoice to hear the word, because our little psychic doggo deserves the best.
#3. “Open the f*cking door!” - Star-Lord

The first official F-Bomb in the MCU was dropped in the most unpredictable fashion possible. During their time in Counter-Earth, Star-Lord “borrows” a car from one of its citizens to get to the High Evolutionary’s place. Nebula, however, has a hard time opening the car’s door, which makes Peter lose his wits and accidentally blurt out the F-Word.
Needless to say, the hilarious scene got everyone laughing their brains out. It’s even more surprising to know that Marvel’s first F-Bomb was an improvisation between Chris Pratt and director James Gunn.
#4. “Sky.” – Lylla

Okay, the fun time is over. Let’s get back to one of the most gut-wrenching sequences of the film, where Rocket’s friend, Lylla, got fatally wounded by the High Evolutionary, right after she got out of the cage for the first time in her life. In her dying breath, the otter looks up to the dark cold ceiling and mistook it for the blue eternal sky she and everyone else has been yearning for. Easily one of the saddest scenes in the movie, and it’s even more heartbreaking for us to know that Lylla died without seeing the real sky for once.
#5. “Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now!” – Floor

Another friend of Rocket during his early days, Floor manages to capture everyone’s heart with her brief appearance in the movie. Unfortunately, she and Teefs eventually meet the same fate as Lylla. Before getting fatally injured by a stray bullet, Floor desperately screamed out of her lungs: “Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now!” repeatedly, urging their friends to run away, but it was too late. Their death took a huge toll on Rocket’s heart, making him unable to open up to anyone again, fearing they might share the same fate with his childhood friends.
#6. “…And me, Rocket.” – Rocket

During his cell time with Lylla, Teefs, and Floor, the otter asked Rocket to choose a name, as they’ll need one to live in the High Evolutionary’s “new world”. After thinking for a while, he chose “Rocket”, with the desire to build flying machines, so he can his friends can “Fly away together into the forever and beautiful sky.” That dream of his never comes true, but at least now, Rocket can fly with his new family – the Guardians of the Galaxy.
#7. “Don’t be rash.” - Adam Warlock

At the start of the film, Adam Warlock caused the Guardians a fair share of trouble, taking out Rocket and beating everyone else into a pulp. However, as the story goes on, Will Poulter’s character starts showing more of his hilarious and endearing side, and we all love him for it. The prime example is when he tries to attack Gamora on Counter-Earth, and the latter holds up Blurp, Warlock’s newfound pet, as a hostage. Warlock immediately stops and convinces Gamora not to hurt them.
At that moment, we all know that Adam Warlock is not a bad guy at heart, and it isn’t much of a surprise to see him becoming a new member of the Guardians at the end.
#8. “I’ve never realized your eyes were so black.” - Star-Lord

If there’s anyone in the team who could replace the Gamora in Peter Quill’s heart, it’s got to be Nebula. Or at least, that’s what we’ve learned after watching Volume 3. After infiltrating Orgoscope to find the key to deactivate the kill switch on Rocket’s body, after multiple attempts to flirt with Gamora, Quill suddenly makes a remark about Nebula, praising her black eyes, to which Nebula replies “They were replaced by my father, as a form of torture.” Quill’s attempt to save his grace by saying: “Well, uh, he picked a pretty set,” only makes the scene more hilarious.
Never ask Peter Quill for love advice, people.
#9. “There’s no God! That’s why I stepped in!” – High Evolutionary

The moment we knew that the High Evolutionary is beyond saving. The sentence pretty much sums up how evil and out of touch he is, having already considered himself as something even higher than God, and thinking that all his bad deeds and brutal experiments so far are just and normal. His crew quickly turned against him afterward, and the cruel fate at the end is more than deserve to him.
#10. “I love you guys.” – Groot

Until the last scene in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 so far, the only thing our sentient tree has said is pretty much just “I am Groot.” No one understands him at first besides Rocket, and then as the team spends more time with him, they gradually learn how to know his language.
And at the end, the part when Groot says “I love you guys,” is not actually him trying to speak English, but it’s us viewers finally growing attached enough to him to understand. It’s a nice touch by James Gunn there, and it makes all of us shed a tear or two.
Of course, there are many more iconic quotes from the movie that we didn’t have time to compile into this article. Which quotes do you want to see next? Let us know in the comment.