10+ Hidden Details in Movies That We Missed Even After Dozens of Watches
What’s better the Easter Eggs hunting? Hunting for Easter Eggs in MOVIES!
Movie buffs are no strangers to the word “Easter Eggs.” They are the subtle details, sneakily hidden in your favorite movies that you will scream "ahhhh, clever!" when spotting them.
With the clamoring rise in streaming services, people are binge-watching older movies and TV shows, due to the pandemic. And as a result, they are catching a lot of Easter Eggs in both new media, as well as older ones during binge-watching.
And they are sharing these cleverly hidden Easter Eggs all over social media. From newly debuted movies and TV shows to classic ones that people have watched for the umpteenth time, there are a lot of teeny tiny details that we apparently miss out on.
So which ones of these Easter Eggs did you miss out on? Let’s take a look at these 11 newly uncovered Easter Eggs.
Movie buffs are no strangers to the word “Easter Eggs.” They are the subtle details, sneakily hidden in your favorite movies that you will scream "ahhhh, clever!" when spotting them.
With the clamoring rise in streaming services, people are binge-watching older movies and TV shows, due to the pandemic. And as a result, they are catching a lot of Easter Eggs in both new media, as well as older ones during binge-watching.
And they are sharing these cleverly hidden Easter Eggs all over social media. From newly debuted movies and TV shows to classic ones that people have watched for the umpteenth time, there are a lot of teeny tiny details that we apparently miss out on.
So which ones of these Easter Eggs did you miss out on? Let’s take a look at these 11 newly uncovered Easter Eggs.
#1 House of the Dragon
Source: © House of the Dragon / Home Box Office and co-producers
#2 Avatar
Source: © Avatar / Twentieth Century Fox
#3 La La Land
Source: © La La Land / Summit Entertainment
#4 Titanic
Source: © Titanic / Paramount
#5 Twilight
Source: © Twilight / Summit Entertainment
#6 It Chapter Two
Source: © It Chapter Two / New Line Cinema, © The Shining / Warner Bros.
#7 Inception
Source: © Inception / Warner Bros.
#8 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Source: © Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Warner Bros.
#9 Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Source: © The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe / Walt Disney Pictures, © The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe / Walt Disney Pictures
#10 Captain America: Civil War
Source: © Captain America: Civil War / Marvel Studios
#11 Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Source: © Captain America: The Winter Soldier / Marvel Studios and co-producers
#12 Goodfellas
Source: © Goodfellas / Warner Bros.
#13 No Time to Die
Coca-Cola filled the streets of the Italian town where James Bond raced. This was done to reduce the slickness of cobblestone streets. A total of 8,400 liters of Coca-Cola were sprayed over the streets, costing nearly $70,000 in total. However, in comparison to the $250 million film budget, this was nothing.Share this article