10 Disturbing Facts About Disney World That Show You The Dark Side Of The Magical Land
As kids, we all want to immerse ourselves in the magical fantasy world of Disney characters. And for that very sole purpose (besides trying to squeeze more money out of customers), the Disney Theme Parks were established. There are 12 Disney Parks around the world, which attract both children and adults to keep flooding in every weekend, queueing all day and paying a hefty price for a single ticket, just to see our childhood dreamland coming to life before our eyes. To us Disney enthusiasts, they’re nothing short of a miracle.
However, to maintain that dream-like image, Disney parks’ employees must work really hard every day, and there are tons of secrets they must keep from the customers. Driven by curiosity, redditor u/memezdankton posted a question on Reddit, asking former employees of the parks to share some spicy secrets about the place, and received some rather interesting (and messed up, even) answers. Let’s take a look at these juicy and dark stories that lurk behind the vibrant and beautiful theme of Disney parks.
Big f**kin' phonies." - u/jcwagner1001
Which of the Disney park secrets above do you find most disturbing? Tell us below!
However, to maintain that dream-like image, Disney parks’ employees must work really hard every day, and there are tons of secrets they must keep from the customers. Driven by curiosity, redditor u/memezdankton posted a question on Reddit, asking former employees of the parks to share some spicy secrets about the place, and received some rather interesting (and messed up, even) answers. Let’s take a look at these juicy and dark stories that lurk behind the vibrant and beautiful theme of Disney parks.
#1 Traumatized employees on their first day of work.
Source: Undercover Tourist
#2 Employees were told to get breast implant.
Source: Disney Park
#3 Mascots weren't allowed to remove their costume while at work, under any circumstances.
Source: Walt Disney World
#4 Employees were often harassed by customers, one way or another.
Source: Walt Disney World
#5 Be careful of the ducks!
Source: Disney World
#6 People spreading REAL ashes of their loved ones in the park.
Source: Walt Disney World
#7 The stinky secret of the "secret" tunnels.
Source: Walt Disney World
#8 Deaths in the park are literally not allowed.
Source: Walt Disney World
#9 The park's managers can be very frustating to deal with.
Source: Bertrand Guay/AFP
Big f**kin' phonies." - u/jcwagner1001
#10 Just like real Disney movies, social status does exists.
Source: Walt Disney World
#11 Disney refused to prosecute the guests.
Source: Walt Disney World
#12 Specific characters require specific heights.
Source: Mouse Steps/JWL Media
#13 "Disney Employees started referring to Disneyland as Mousechwitz due to working conditions."
Source: Walt Disney World
#14 "The Disney F**k You"
Source: Walt Disney World
Which of the Disney park secrets above do you find most disturbing? Tell us below!
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