Una Pandilla De Motociclistas Se Enfrenta A Dueños De Mascotas Violentas Para Rescatar Animales Desesperados

Al igual que los caballeros de hoy en día, un grupo de motociclistas fornidos y tatuados en Estados Unidos ha defendido a aquellos que no pueden valerse por sí mismos. Aunque estos motociclistas tatuados se ven realmente intimidantes, su misión es salvar a los animales que sufren dondequiera que los encuentren.


This organization called Rescue Ink was founded in 2007 as a non-profit organization that originated from a group of volunteers in New York. The team consists of a wide array of members, including ex-bodybuilders, powerlifting champions, former military personnel, police detectives, and lawyers and even those who have had their own run-ins with the law in the past. Their peak years of activity were between 2008 and 2014. During the years of their activity, they saved a lot of dogs, cats, horses, chickens, pigs, and fish.


When you look into the activities of the Rescue Ink organization and you will be amazed at how they take away animals from cruel owners when the police were helpless. Thanks to their intimidating looks and bulging muscles, they confront violent, cruel pet owners and convince them to give their pets away, whether they want to or not. The men also make agreements with animal shelters to help animals with rehabilitation and found new families for them.


Although the group has helped many poor animals during the years of their activity, they remain humble and don’t see themselves as heroes. “Some people like to think of us as superheroes. The truth is, we are super animal lovers (and protectors). Through the years, and through many caseloads, obstacles, and downright challenges, we remain strong and dedicated to our mission.”


¡Creemos que el trabajo que hacen no puede ser lo suficientemente elogiado! Si está de acuerdo y cree que Rescue Ink merece elogios, ¡comparta este artículo con sus amigos y familiares!

h/t: Newsner

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