Pizzería Pone Fotos De Perros De Refugio En Cajas De Pizza Para Ayudarles A Ser Adoptados

Cada año, aproximadamente 1,5 millones de animales de refugio son sacrificados en los Estados Unidos, simplemente porque los refugios están demasiado llenos y no hay suficientes hogares adoptivos. Además, muchas personas tienden a comprar mascotas en la tienda en lugar de adoptarlas en los refugios. Por esta razón, las organizaciones de rescate de animales a menudo tienen que ser creativas para ayudar a los animales pobres a encontrar sus hogares definitivos.

Recientemente, el refugio Niagara SPCA de Nueva York se asoció con la franquicia Just Pizza & Wing Co. en Amherst en un intento de llamar la atención de todos y ayudar a que sus animales sean adoptados.

Kimberly LaRussa, an SPCA event coordinator, and Mary Alloy, the owner of Just Pizza & Wing, started to brainstorm ways in which they could further help the dogs in need. Together, they came up with a brilliant and great idea. They decided to put flyers of adoptable dogs on pizza delivery boxes with the hope that the dogs get a chance to find their forever homes

When ordering a pizza, customers will receive an especially adorable treat to fill their stomachs while helping out a community organization at the same time. And the yummiest part? Anyone who adopts one of the shelter dogs featured on the pizza box flyers will receive a $50 gift certificate for the pizza shop.

The heart-melting campaign quickly went viral and proved to be a success. There were many people in the community who were on board with the idea and were absolutely loving it. The first day after it was launched, a six-month-old puppy named Larry found a new home. The other pets also caught the attention of many potential owners. We hope that they will be as lucky as Larry!

Kimberly was overwhelmed, saying, “We’ve had a tremendous amount of interest and support from the community and beyond since the story went viral on Friday. Many people want to order a pizza just to get the shelter dog photo, other pizzerias have offered to put flyers on their pizza boxes, and so many people are tagging their friends and family.”

Tanto el refugio como la pizzería fueron elogiados por su ingenio. Mary dijo que la pizzería continuaría con el esfuerzo “durante el tiempo que sea necesario” para que todos los animales del refugio sean adoptados. Según Kimberly, el negocio de Mary agregará gatos en adopción a la lista de volantes de adopción en el futuro.

Si te encanta esta increíble idea, ¡compártela con todos los que te rodean! Esperamos que muchos refugios y organizaciones adopten esta idea para ayudar a cada mascota del refugio a encontrar su hogar para siempre.

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