La Rara Tortuga Albina Que Parece Queso Derretido Se Ha Vuelto Viral

Recientemente, una rara tortuga albina que parece una rebanada de queso derretido se ha vuelto viral en las redes sociales. Esta singular criatura amarilla fue rescatada en Bengala Occidental, India. ¡Sigue desplazándote para saber más!

#1. Fotos de tortugas albinas raras

A farmer in the village of Sujanpur, in Odisha’s Balasore district, spotted the unusual turtle when he was working on his field. He then brought it to his home and handed it over to forest officials who later contacted conservation experts.

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The experts believe that it is an extremely rare adult albino turtle, about two years old. “This is the first time in Odisha and second time in India that an albino turtle has been found,” Siddhartha Pati, executive director at the Association for Biodiversity Conservation told the media.

According to Susanta Nanda, who works at the Indian Forest Service, another albino turtle was found by locals in Sindh a few years ago. She also shared a video and a picture of the turtle.

Speaking about albinism, Siddhartha Pati explained: “It is a congenital disorder and it is characterized by complete or partial absence of tyrosine pigment,”. “Also, sometimes a mutation takes place in the gene sequence or there is a deficiency of tyrosine,” he continued.

After shared on Twitter on October 27, the pictures of this bright yellow turtle went viral. They shook the world a little. Interestingly, people started comparing it to cheese as it somehow looked like a slice of melted cheese.

You can see the video here.

Esta tortuga con caparazón también aparece en otros países del sur de Asia como Pakistán, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh y Myanmar. Ahora, esta adorable y rara tortuga albina ha sido devuelta a la naturaleza. ¿Te encanta esta historia? En caso afirmativo, deje un comentario a continuación y compártalo con familiares y amigos. ¡Divertirse!

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