Los animales salvajes también merecen una vida normal. Pueden vivir en parques de vida silvestre, santuarios o en la naturaleza. Estos entornos les permiten vivir con su naturaleza nata. Pero hay algunas personas que los mantienen, prometen tratarlos bien pero literalmente fallan. Estos bastardos abusan física y mentalmente de los pobres animales. Los animales salvajes pueden sentir y se lastimaron.
Créditos de imagen: In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
Kahn y Sheila, el león y la leona de esta historia, experimentaron lo mismo. Lo único afortunado es que pueden esperar hasta que algunas personas de buen corazón vengan a ayudarlos.
Créditos de imagen: In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
Pero la situación no es del todo buena. Kahn, el león, estaba desnutrido y le arrancaron la punta de la cola. Pero todos parecían tratables porque Kahn es amigable con los humanos.
Sheila la leona, por el contrario, se encontraba en un estado severo. El majestuoso animal pareció renunciar a su esperanza de vida. Le diagnosticaron toxoplasmosis, una enfermedad que provoca pérdida de apetito y letargo.
Créditos de imagen: In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
Kahn and Sheila were rescued from their heartless owners by Texas’ In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Education Center. That man kept captive the two majestic animals and rent them for photos or parties. But he treated them more than just bad. After the incident, that cruel owner was revoked his license and is no longer allowed to keep exotic animals.
Image Credits: In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
Unfortunately, the lion and lioness were rescued in time. Kahn would recover with time but the lifeless Sheila was almost at no chance of survival.
Image Credits: In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
However, the rescue staff didn’t give up on the poor girl. They hand-fed her for two weeks and took care of her with the best that they could.
Image Credits: In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
“For two weeks Vicky had to hand feed Sheila – rolling up meatballs and pushing them down her throat,” In-Sync’s Angela Culver told Bored Panda.
Image Credits: In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
Sheila used to be a strong girl, she was getting better and better. She made an incredible recovery and let to reunited with her friend, Kahn.
Image Credits: In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
It was love at first sight. Both saw each other again after such a hard journey that opened a new chapter in their life.
Image Credits: In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
Sheila and Kahn were allowed to mate, later got married. They grew into beautiful grown lions and became inseparable. Love can cure all. It can “revise” a lioness that lost any hope of survival.
Image Credits: In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
“Con el paso del tiempo, ambos sanaron y se convirtieron en hermosos leones adultos”, dijo Vicky. “Tomó algún tiempo recuperarse, pero ambos lo hicieron”, dijo Vicky Keahey, fundadora de In-Sync, a The Dodo.
Créditos de imagen: In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center
Un final feliz para los dos majestuosos animales, ¿verdad? El amor y la bondad harán de este mundo un lugar mejor. ¿Por qué no compartes esta historia con tu familia y amigos?
H/T: Boredpanda