Zoom Unfiltered: 24 Memes That Define Our Online Reality

Jonathan Hayda

Get ready to laugh, cringe, and share a chuckle as we reminisce about the era of "Can you hear me now?" and "You're on mute!". What a time in our lives!

From pixelated faces to online classes, meetings to being interrupted by outside forces, these memes are a tribute to the highs, lows, and hilariously unexpected moments that defined our virtual adventures during the Covid era.

#1. Wait, what?

Source: Reddit

#2. Cats or we turn off our videos

Source: Reddit

#3. But the cat is the best part of the meeting.

Source: Reddit

#4. I'm here live and I'm uh... not a cat

Source: Reddit

#5. Onlypurrs

Source: Reddit

#6. He got muted

Source: Reddit

#7. This hit hard

Source: Reddit

#8. All legends

Source: Reddit

#9. Dude, why?

Source: Reddit

#10. No one tell him this!

Source: Reddit

#11. It'd be like that

Source: Reddit

#12. Get with the time, man

Source: Reddit

#13. Guys, I'm having an exam!

Source: Reddit

#14. To be honest, Zoom is not effective

Source: Reddit

#15. Discord > Zoom

Source: Reddit

#16. Our Zoom Hero

Source: Reddit

#17. Yes!

Source: Reddit

#18. Wrong hood, my friend

Source: Reddit

#19. Yep!

Source: Reddit

#20. That feeling

Source: Reddit

#21. Unexpected move

Source: Reddit

#22. Being the third wheel is better than this

Source: Reddit

#23. Cool teacher

Source: Reddit

#24. Proudest moment

Source: Reddit

Ready to relive the virtual adventures, mishaps, and unforgettable moments that Zoom brought to our screens? Don't miss out on the laughter – hit that follow button and join us for more memes that celebrate the digital era of connection, hilarity, and the unexpected