Writer Saves Amish Horse That Might Have Been Destined For Death

Emma Ackerman

Susan Larson, a writer and the compassionate owner of Empowered Equines, a horse rescue and rehabilitation center, recently faced one of her most emotionally challenging rescues.

A weary horse, once part of the Amish community, arrived at the center and was led from a truck to a place where hope was being offered. This horse, however, carried the scars of the worst conditions Susan's friend had ever witnessed.

Many might argue that horses subjected to such relentless toil and abuse would be better off relieved of their suffering, but Susan and her friend held a different opinion. They were determined to ensure that this unfortunate Amish horse, even if his days were numbered, would experience kindness and positivity in his final moments.

The horse arrived in a pitiable state, marred by sores, a disheveled tail, and a multitude of other afflictions. Beyond the physical injuries, the horse carried the weight of trauma, showing a hopelessness that seemed impossible to overcome.

For this unfortunate horse, the daily routine had stolen not only his physical well-being but also his spirit. When new caregivers began grooming him and tending to his wounds, he remained silent, showing no reaction to their touch.

This horse's soul looked completely lifeless, and his spirit was broken by relentless labor and maltreatment. He displayed no desire to interact with people or other horses.

The horse was then named Windfall. According to Susan, Windfall was chosen to symbolize a new beginning, as she hopes that this wonderful horse will succeed in his road to healing and rediscovering trust again.
Then, a dedicated veterinarian endeavored to mend the painful wounds that adorned the horse's body. Not long after his careful examination and medical attention, it was revealed that Windfall, unluckily, suffered from a genetic ailment. This condition, akin to the human Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, resulted in misaligned joints and a troubled back.
Susan's heart was strongly moved by Windfall's story, reinforcing her belief in the vital role that animal rehabilitation centers play in rescuing mistreated creatures. She recognized the urgent need for support in their mission to save these innocent souls from the clutches of cruelty, advocating for compassion and justice for all creatures, great and small.

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