Employee With Dog Allergy Has To Navigate The Now Pet-Friendly Workplace Because Her Boss Denied Her Request For Her Own Office

Leona Martinez

Since COVID-19 restrictions eased, many companies have been calling their employees back to the office. For some employees, working at the office is a welcomed change, as it gives them a chance to build connections and fit into the social fabric of the workplace. For example, they can grab lunch in the cafeteria, stop by a co-worker’s desk. However, for Alex, a 32-year-old office worker, the return brings forth a unique set of challenges.

Unlike most of her colleagues, who gleefully embraced the opportunity to bring their dogs to work, Alex's situation is far from ideal. Allergic to dogs and sensitive to their smell, she experiences debilitating migraines in their presence. While the office may now welcome four-legged companions, it has inadvertently created a polarizing environment where Alex's needs clash with the desires of her coworkers.

Alex valiantly tried to find a resolution. She approached her boss, seeking the possibility of a raise that would allow her to relocate to a larger living space where working from home wouldn't feel suffocating. However, to her dismay, her boss refused her request, leaving her with no option but to continue working from the tiny studio that exacerbates her migraines.

Scroll down to read the entire story.

Source: Reddit

OP cannot easily find a new job or place to live

OP didn't know her office allowed their employees to bring their dogs to work

OP is allergic to dogs; therefore, her boss suggested her to work from home

Due to living in a small and suffocating studio, OP requested a raise to consider working from home, but the boss denied

OP stood firm, highlighting the lack of proper workspace accommodations compared to her coworkers

OP's coworkers criticize her for wanting them to stop bringing their dogs to the office

So, OP asked Redditors whether she was the one in the wrong

Here's what they had to tell her:

Source: [deleted]
Source: niennabobenna
Source: 4everawikkid1
Source: fuzzy_mic
Source: sawta2112
Source: [deleted]
Source: LoveBeach8
Source: Ok_Job_9417
Source: ImAScurred1138
Source: Key-Bit1208
Source: bamf1701
Source: canuck_2022

What do you think after reading this story? Do you think that the OP was wrong? Don't hesitate to share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.