If you are a pet owner, you must shower your furry babies with unconditional love and believe this feeling is mutual. Though the animals can't say "I love you" to us, we see their affection towards us through their expressions and behaviors. No matter how bad and exhausting your day is, coming home and knowing that your pets are always there to welcome and cheer you up will make you feel better. However, for some people, the animals' feelings should be questioned, and they don't think that is love. One of them is the Twitter account called PhadkeTai who caused a stir on social media after sharing her opinion that cats and dogs don't love their owners.
Under the post, most netizens responded with the opposite viewpoint and shared their reasons. Many described the relationship between pets and their owner as the parents-children bond. Nothing proved that animals couldn't feel the same as humans, so no one should deny the love of other species.
Source: PhadkeTai
The Bombay-Beijing-London writer, Mithila, believes that pets were born affectionate, meaning that it is their instinct to like people. Furthermore, they are "food and comfort-motivated", so they want to attach to anyone who gives them food and shelter. The writer claims love is a human emotion, and it is impossible for animals to have such a feeling.Under the post, most netizens responded with the opposite viewpoint and shared their reasons. Many described the relationship between pets and their owner as the parents-children bond. Nothing proved that animals couldn't feel the same as humans, so no one should deny the love of other species.
Source: LeftAtLondon
Source: IwriteOK
Source: eclecticV
Some people pointed out that humans also fell for others for reasons such as food, comfort, and hormones - just like animals did.Source: abbygov
Source: RoyaBacklund
Other users also supported their argument by showing how sad pets were when their beloved owners left them. Everyone could realize that they are likely more cheerful to be with their human parents than being alone or with other people. After all, love is just a word, and you should know the pets by looking at them and feeling their emotions.Source: Joschwabost
Source: ClaireAllan
Source: priya_ebooks
Source: NanciGuestRDPhD
Source: ProfessorPlague
Many volunteers and vets also shared their conclusions after years or even decades of working with animals. In many cases, the furry buddies knew when their human friends were in trouble or struggled in life, and they never hesitated to comfort those people by doing anything they could think of.Source: DHCalifornicus
Source: crab_rare
Source: swamplady100
Source: Shaggy_PacMan
Source: qtsuperstar
Source: iwantflesh
Source: GarryAlways
Another plausible point is that human evolves from animals, and being able to explain emotions by language doesn't mean we can feel more than other species.Source: ErsonMcPerson
What do you think about this? If you agree with most netizens, can you give some reasons for your ideas? Please drop your thoughts in the segment below and remember to hit the subscribe button for more fascinating posts!