Woman Bold Comeback Leaves Her Sister's "Brutally Honest" Boyfriend Stunned And Speechless

Emily Mahboobeh

Every family has one member who starts dating someone the rest of the family can't stand, and if you don't know who it is...it's probably you. Sometimes you have to be the one to speak up and defend yourself again with 'brutal honesty,' and if it involves a fart joke?

You did what had to be done. So, when a conflicted woman decided to consult the moral compass of the internet over her sister's annoying boyfriend's unsolicited comments, people were ready to help. Scroll down to go through the whole story and see what the internet users have to say about it.

The story in detail:

Source: Ash-569075

OP visited parents for sister's birthday. Sister's boyfriend brought up OP's childlessness, asked why. OP said infertility. He asked whose side, sister answered. He said something rude again.

Source: Ash-569075
Source: Ash-569075

OP gave the sister’s boyfriend a shut-up call when he told him he was giving an opinion. Everyone laughed, and later he left.

Source: Ash-569075

OP's sister is angry at her, and she wants an apology because OP was mean to her boyfriend and made fun of him. Despite the mother's suggestion to ignore it, the OP is questioning whether they were in the wrong.

Source: Ash-569075

And the comments from other Redditors roll in;

Source: Slow-Bumbl

I also did not understand why the sister would answer such a question. That too in front of a lot of people.

People think OP gave the perfect response.

Poor social manners should never be excused.

Source: Lanersofcork

The sister needs to realize that he is absolutely malicious and she s taking it lightly when she should not.

Now that you've read the story, it's time for you to spill the beans! Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Let us know in the comment section below.