Woman Asks If She Is A Jerk For Declining To Allow Future In-Laws' Dog Into Her Home

Manda Garcia

Dealing with a fear of dogs can be quite challenging. There are various reasons why people might fear dogs, often stemming from past negative experiences like being bitten or attacked by one. It's really important to be empathetic towards people with such fears and make efforts to ensure they feel at ease when visiting your home. Likewise, the same consideration should be extended when you're the one visiting someone with a fear.

This is exactly what this Reddit post is all about. OP and her fiancé had maintained a "no dogs" rule in their shared home for years due to her intense fear as a result of a traumatic incident. However, the fiancé suddenly wanted to let his parents bring their dog when they visited. OP said no, and her fiancé made her feel guilty for not welcoming the dog into their home. Scroll down to learn more!

OP asks:

Source: AITA62

OP and fiancé have always had a "no dogs/pets" rule for many years.

Source: AITA62

OP tries to avoid dogs in a nice way.

Source: AITA62

Rules are rules.

Source: AITA62

OP won't change her mind.

Source: AITA62

Let's venture into the comment section and find out what thoughts Redditors are sharing!

Source: DesignerAsh_
Source: jabmwr
Source: EibhlinOD
Source: litt3lli0n
Source: [deleted]
Source: MJM20
Source: Screamscaper
Source: IreneAnne16

Apparently, the majority of Redditors seem to empathize with OP's fear and her stance on maintaining a comfortable environment in her own home. If you have thoughts to share or similar experiences, we'd love to hear from you. Drop a comment below and join the conversation!