Woman of the Dead (Totenfrau) is an upcoming mystery crime thriller set to be released on Netflix. The show tells the tale of a lady who, when her husband unexpectedly dies, is left with countless unanswered questions. A seemingly benign probe gradually gives rise to one of the oldest conspiracies known to man. Who kills the husband at the end of the movie? Here is all we know about the movie.
Blum, the protagonist, is a funeral parlor owner, a wife, and a mother to two adorable children. Blum is living a happy life until she unexpectedly sees her husband being killed by a sped-up automobile. She is profoundly shocked and unable to comprehend her husband’s unexpected death, which did not appear to be an accident. Blum then embarks on a journey to hide her husband’s passing. She learns there is more to the tale than she is prepared to know halfway through acting as the investigator. Blum discovers that the spouse passed away while learning some of the strange mysteries in the neighborhood.
While her daughter questions Blum’s affection for her father and asks if dealing with dead bodies all day has made her so numb from death. From then on starts the quest to p out what really happened to her husband but it looks like she might land in the same trouble, if not cautious.
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1. What is Netflix Woman of the Dead about?
Source: Netflix
The official synopsis of the series reads, “In a vengeful quest to find out who killed her husband, a woman ends up exposing her small community’s deepest and ugliest secrets.” Blum is the owner of a funeral home in a renowned ski resort and the loving mother of two young children. Following her husband’s accidental death, she is shaken to the very core of her existence.Blum, the protagonist, is a funeral parlor owner, a wife, and a mother to two adorable children. Blum is living a happy life until she unexpectedly sees her husband being killed by a sped-up automobile. She is profoundly shocked and unable to comprehend her husband’s unexpected death, which did not appear to be an accident. Blum then embarks on a journey to hide her husband’s passing. She learns there is more to the tale than she is prepared to know halfway through acting as the investigator. Blum discovers that the spouse passed away while learning some of the strange mysteries in the neighborhood.
2. What is the Netflix Woman of the Dead cast?
Source: IMDb
The series’ lead character, Brunhilde Blum, is portrayed by Anna Maria Muhe. Blum runs the downtown funeral home and is a caring mother to two kids. In addition to these and other programs, the actress has appeared in Big Girl Don’t Cry Love in Thoughts, Tatort, Escape, Twisted Sister, and several others. She has also won other honors, such as the Shooting Stars Award and the Golden Camera for Best Newcomer. Yousef Joe, who played Reza Sweid in American Assassin (2017), Agora (2009), and American Odyssey (2015), is among the other cast members. Luis Vorbach plays Jakob, Gregor Bloeb plays Berti Punch, Robert Palfrader plays Wilhelm Danzberger, Simon Schwarz plays Pfarrer Jaunig, Romina Kuper plays Dunja, and Stephanie Lexer plays Stephanie.3. Woman of the Dead: Who killed the husband?
Source: Netflix
Blum realizes that her husband was murdered because he was in the process of uncovering terrible secrets. She sets out on a quest for revenge, but during her pursuit, she turns from predator to prey. In the release trailer, Blum receives sympathy from the community who tells her that this is all god’s will, but do they have good intentions – is not clear.While her daughter questions Blum’s affection for her father and asks if dealing with dead bodies all day has made her so numb from death. From then on starts the quest to p out what really happened to her husband but it looks like she might land in the same trouble, if not cautious.
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