Who Is Laura Zerra From Naked And Afraid? Comprehensive Information

Michelle Hall

Who is Laura Zerra from Naked And Afraid? Steven and Elizabeth Zerra's daughter Laura was born in Agawam, Massachusetts on September 16, 1985. As a young girl, Laura enjoyed going along with her father on hunting trips, and she eventually grew to respect and love his adventurous spirit. Laura attended Connecticut College after finishing high school and majored in Ethnobiology.

Who Is Laura Zerra From Naked And Afraid?

Who Is Laura Zerra From Naked And Afraid Source: Naked And Afraid
Laura Zerra is a fan of the outdoors and a survival expert. The sole light source in our temporary "dark house" hut is the bright red sunflower of the propane tank heater. We've sat in the dark on metal chairs, bent over our ice hole, and talked about shed hunting, deer butchering, and brain tanning. While we talk about her time train-hopping over Mexico's Copper Canyon, where she learned to defecate safely off a speeding freight train, a walleye glides into view.
Laura's interest in birds and other animals dates back to her childhood, even before her television debut. She went so far as to make and sell her brand of knives. Nevertheless, in 2004, as an intern with the Buffalo Field Campaign in West Yellowstone, Montana, she began shooting the slaughter of the wild herd of bison and other endangered species.
In 2008, she hitchhiked to Mexico to hone her jungle survival skills before relocating to Vermont and enrolling at Roots School three years later. Following two years at Baker River Deer Farm, Laura decided to further her education by focusing on the treatment of horse feet. She enrolled in classes at Sharp Shoeing in Belmont, New Hampshire, and has since given talks on the topic. Yet, after appearing on "Naked and Afraid" in 2013, she gained a household name in the United States. In 2019 she will be a regular on the show.

Laura Zerra's Career And Activities

Who Is Laura Zerra From Naked And Afraid Who Is Laura Zerra From Naked And Afraid?
She remained with the production company and has since been in several episodes of other successful series, such as "Naked After Dark" in 2014, "Naked and Afraid XL" from 2015-2019, and "Naked and Afraid: Savage" in 2018. (2019). Because of her TV roles, Laura is now recognized not just in the United States but worldwide; this has greatly increased her net worth.
She has used her newfound fame by launching Laurazerra.com, where she advertises her services to clients worldwide and chronicles her experiences in the wild. In July 2018, she published A Modern Guide to Knifemaking, contributing to her wealth through book sales. The book provides detailed instructions for forging your knife from professional bladesmiths, including instructions for creating your handle, sheath, and sharpening.


NDAs prevent Laura Zerra from discussing many of the fascinating aspects of her career in reality television. A friend who competed in and won a different network's survival program would agree that you'd be correct in thinking these shows are complete nonsense. He highlighted that everyone on the show is honest, but the "competition" is staged so everyone appears to have an equal chance of winning.
Often, it is not. A skilled, genuine survivalist may be impeded right from the start. Neither their trusty hunting knife nor their fishing rod is permitted. They stab them with a little piece of flint.  In front of tens of millions of regular viewers, Laura Zerra spent 21 days in Panama and Peru. For 14 days, she and fellow cast member Steven Lee Hall Jr. participated in a Naked and Afraid challenge in Alaska. She completed a 40-day challenge in Colombia and a 60-day test on the Filipino island of Palawan.

Laura Zerra's Networth

Laura's time and effort into becoming an expert survivalist and a skilled hunter have paid off nicely, as she is now a popular reality TV personality. How much money does Laura Zerra have right now in the middle of 2019? The existing $700,000 in Laura's wealth will likely increase due to her continued professional success.
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