When People Decided To Expose Their Sc*mbag Bosses

Larry Campbell

They assert that "team" has no "I" in it. However, some people are egotistical, naive, and appear eager to ruin everyone's day for their own amusement or benefit. Of course, we label these individuals sc*mbag. Although difficult to deal with, the typical, everyday jerk isn't usually a threat. Not if they are your employer.
While unpleasant bosses force you to seek divine intervention, good bosses are a blessing. Bosses who enjoy being sc*mbags are far worse than poor managers. The pinnacle of the sc*mbag species, boss sc*mbags are by far the best that can be found.
In order for you to feel a little better about working at your current job in comparison, Aubtu compiled this list of the best instances of bosses behaving badly. Go ahead and pop some popcorn, get a beverage, and scroll down. Check out Aubtu's other articles about sc*mbag bosses, everyday sc*mbags, and the significant distinctions between bosses and leaders.

#1. This Structural Pole My Boss Refuses To Fix

Source: reddit

#2. Boss Just Laid This On My Desk

Source: reddit

#3. Boss Didn’t Like The Color Of The Chairs In The Break Room. So Now We Just Don’t Have Chairs

Source: reddit

#4. One Of A Seemingly Endless Series Of Unreasonable Notes Left By My Boss. It’s Great Here.

Source: reddit

#5. After Receiving A $50 Gift Card For Walmart As A Christmas Gift From My Boss, I Was Happy Until I Saw That It Had Been Deducted From My Paycheck.

Source: reddit

#6. My Christmas Gift From My Boss. Fortune 500 Company. No Christmas Bonus, Post It Notes, 2 Pieces Of Chocolate, Pen, Jeans One Day.

Source: reddit

#7. Came To Work To Find That My Boss Threw Away Everyone’s Desks And Replaced Them With Dressers, A Sheet Of Glass, And Saddle Chairs.

Source: reddit

#8. Our Boss Doesn’t Let Us Take Any Home!

Source: reddit

#9. When Your Good Service Rewards Only Your Boss

Source: reddit

#10. My Coworker Went All Wet Seal On Our Boss Today

Source: reddit

#11. Leave Work For One Day And My Boss Replaced My Large Monitor That I Use To Make Prototype Models And Engravings On Products With This Tiny One.

Source: reddit

#12. When Your Boss Brings Her Puppy To Work And Then Makes A Comment Along The Lines Of: “Maybe I Should Just Pay Everyone Quarter Pay When He’s Here Cuz Nobody Gets Any Work Done.” Wtf

Source: reddit

#13. Oh, Are The Roads Too Bad For You To Come In, But They’re Fine For Us? Worst Boss Ever

Source: reddit

#14. The Property Manager Is Cutting Down The Trees Because It’s Expensive To Maintain Them

Source: reddit

#15. My Boss Staples Our Tips At Work, Which Usually Tears The Bill When I Take It Out

Source: reddit