When Overconfidence Meets Ignorance: 20 Hilariously Incorrect Internet Users

Manda Garcia

Welcome to the world of the Internet, where everyone has an opinion and is not afraid to share it. From social media to forums, blogs, and comment sections, there's no shortage of people spouting off their beliefs and ideas online. But what happens when overconfidence meets ignorance? Well, my friend, you get some hilariously incorrect Internet users. We've all come across them—the people who are convinced they know everything about a topic, even though they clearly don't. Whether it's politics, science, or pop culture, these individuals are so confident in their incorrect beliefs that it's almost impressive.

We've compiled a list of 20 of the most hilariously incorrect internet users for your Entertainment. These individuals are sure to make you laugh, cringe, and maybe even shake your head in disbelief. So, sit back, relax, and brace yourself for some truly mind-boggling displays of overconfidence and ignorance.

#1. This interaction on a TikTok about making pickles.

Source: mmorrgss

#2. Good math skills are hard to come by

Source: sunclouds01

#3. The restaurant listed their hours as 11 am to 12 pm

Source: Evil_Chaos_DX

#4. I'm going to scream

Source: daoimean

#5. A little American-style socialism math with your morning coffee

Source: MomofDoom

#6. About a survey that finds most people don't care about beer companies associating with Trans woman

Source: Laydownthelaw

#7. Sex = suicide

Source: No_Deer_5672

#8. Vertical distance and horizontal distance are hard concepts

#9. Elon's Twitter

Source: Biscuitarian23

#10. Apparently peeing is a type of birth control

Source: Curious_Bar348

#11. It’s a myth, you dunderhead nincompoops

Source: Curious_Bar348

#12. Oh, wow

#13. Argument about where the Statue of Liberty is

#14. Today I learned that I'm missing a very important bone in my body

Source: hopit3

#15. Apple fools will do anything to keep their products "special"

Source: l1qmaballs

#16. Hmmm

Source: scopolamin07

#17. Back to English class

#18. Just saying

Source: stainlessstorm1

#19. No old photos of monkeymen? Evolution fake!

Source: Yunners

#20. Apparently one and 1 aren’t the same thing

Source: hirakath