Triptych (Triada) is an upcoming Mexican mystery thriller series, set to be released on Netflix, this week. The series is directed by Leonardo D'Antoni Alba Gil, and the teleplay is written by Leticia Lopez Margalli. The story is brought to screen by cinematographers Alejandro Chavez and Josué Eber Morales. Here is all the preview information you can catch up on before its launching time.
In the trailer, Rebecca, a forensic expert, comes face to face with a dead body of a woman – who looks just like her. She turns out to be a successful businesswoman from a rich family, but strangely both of them share the same birthday and even DNA. It intrigues Rebecca to find out more about her and realizes that there’s something sinister being hidden from her. The more she tries to uncover the truth the more she finds herself walking in circles and eventually meeting another look alike – a dancer. Trying to p out the connection between the three look-alikes, we will find out if these women are actually from the same family or part of some bigger scheme of things. is a website that provides you with sport updates and Entertainment news to brighten your day. Don’t hesitate to visit our site to know more about trending news.
#1. Who are Triptych casts? Who plays in ‘Triptych’?
Source: Netflix
The cast of the series includes Maite Perroni in the titular role — where she will be seen playing three different characters. Along with David Chocarro, Flavio Medina, Nuria Bages, Ofelia Medina, Ana Layevska, Claudia Lobo, Aldo Gallardo and Daniella Valdez.#2. ‘Triptych’ plot leaked
Source: IMDb
Netflix has confirmed that Triptych is a "tantalizing series inspired by true events.” The the series is set to follow Becca, who is a forensics expert. When she is on a case, investigating the murder of Aleida Trujano, she stumbles upon the fact that the body of the victim looks exactly like hers. The official synopsis of the thriller series from Netflix reads, “After learning she was separated at birth from her two identical sisters, Rebecca embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth about her origins.”In the trailer, Rebecca, a forensic expert, comes face to face with a dead body of a woman – who looks just like her. She turns out to be a successful businesswoman from a rich family, but strangely both of them share the same birthday and even DNA. It intrigues Rebecca to find out more about her and realizes that there’s something sinister being hidden from her. The more she tries to uncover the truth the more she finds herself walking in circles and eventually meeting another look alike – a dancer. Trying to p out the connection between the three look-alikes, we will find out if these women are actually from the same family or part of some bigger scheme of things.
#3. How to watch season 1 of the series 'Triptych'?
Source: Netflix
‘Triptych is set to premiere exclusively on Netflix and one would be able to watch it directly on the aforementioned streaming platform. The Netflix app is also available to download on both Google's Play Store and Apple's App Store. Apart from accessing it through web browsers, Netflix is also available on Roku, PlayStation, Xbox, Google Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV Stick, Apple TV, Smart TVs, YouView, BT TV Box, Now TV and Sky Q.#4. ‘Triptych’ season 1 release date and time
Source: IMDb
The series is scheduled to be released on 22nd February 2023 on Netflix. Netflix TV series are usually launched at 12 am (PT)/8 am (GMT) worldwide and all episodes will be released in one go, so there’s no need to wait for new episodes each is a website that provides you with sport updates and Entertainment news to brighten your day. Don’t hesitate to visit our site to know more about trending news.