This Artist Creates Relatable Comics About Life With A Cat That Will Boost Your Mood

Cora Wilson

We get ready to be whisked away into a world of relatable humor as we delve deeper into this artist, Nick Filippou. This artist's prowess lies in crafting comics that effortlessly encapsulate his life with a cat. But there's more than meets the eye in Filippou's comic universe—while his muse, the charming Minnie, undoubtedly takes center stage, his new strips reveal a captivating ensemble of characters, including a dog and even a baby. The convergence of this trio brings forth an array of inspiration and the occasional delightful challenge.

A journey through Nick Filippou's artwork is akin to a heartwarming exploration of life's quirks and joys, all masterfully illustrated through his captivating comics. So, whether you're a devoted cat parent or simply seeking a hearty laugh, Nick Filippou's comics promise a captivating glimpse into the antics, emotions, and sheer joy that come with sharing your life with a furry friend.

If you want to see more, follow this artist on Instagram.


Source: iizcat


Source: iizcat


Source: iizcat
This artist unveiled the essence of his comic series: "Art is expression. Most of my comics are inspired by real-life events. These comics are an outlet for my feelings, and they've helped me with all the highs and lows of real life."


Source: iizcat


Source: iizcat
He shared, "One of the most rewarding aspects of being a comic artist are the messages and comments from fans. I love seeing how my comics make people laugh or spark memories of how their cat did the same thing in my comic. Cats are my friends, lol. The process of creating a new comic is also rewarding in itself. It starts with an idea that forms in your head, and you get to play and experiment with it and bring it to life."


Source: iizcat


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Source: iizcat

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