These Are The Most Stupid Car Modifications I’ve Ever Seen

Larry Campbell

The type of car a person chooses depends on a number of variables; some people love large vehicles, while others prefer little ones; some people can afford pricey cars, while others are content with even used cars. But when it comes to modifying an automobile, there are only two possibilities: either it's a tremendously inventive design or a bafflingly bizarre concept.
Reddit has an online community where people post images of strangely modified vehicles. Scroll down to discover some of the worst automotive modifications ever done, from steering wheels covered in crystals to absurdly large tires.

#1. I Have A Hard Time Calling This S**tty Because It’s Done So Well

Source: natteulven

#2. Does This Belong Here?

Source: DesPaSooTi

#3. Found On Craigslist. This One Kinda Rules, Actually

Source: shrampo

#4. Overcompensating Much?

Source: G1prime

#5. Gotta Love Grandma

Source: onewheeler2

#6. If You Thought The Outside Was Bad

Source: FatFreddysCoat

#7. Airbag Mod


#8. Today Was My Last Day At Work And This Is What Greeted Me In The Car Park. I Work In Automotive Engineering

Source: Chili-Rush

#9. Who You Callin Pinhead

Source: cheftmfrosty

#10. How Long Till They Go Flat?

Source: primter

#11. Literally Why

Source: _peglegjeg_

#12. Lightning Mcmeth

Source: Aschynt

#13. It Looks Like Wall-E’s Grandfather

Source: LordStigness

#14. The Car We All Drew In Kindergarten

Source: 0EN1G5EGG

#15. I Bet It Comes In Handy

Source: aiden66

#16. This Absolute Monstrosity I Saw At The Hospital

Source: ChiKrew

#17. My County Is A Treasure Trove Of Sh**ty Car Mods And Of Course I Honked

Source: fuqurmouf

#18. Leather Seats

Source: ServerZero

#19. Lets Get This Bread

Source: Tp_potato

#20. retty Much Just Sums Up This Sub

Source: ThickAirBalloons

#21. Headlights Before Electricity Was Discovered

Source: jornadaa

#22. Sliiiiiiiiide To The Left Take It Back Now Y’all

Source: ShoeLayce17

#23. Let Me Introduce You To The Fordfordfordfordford F150f150f150f150

Source: Omaha419

#24. Sorry, I Can’t Go Out With You Tomorrow. I Have To Mow My Van

Source: RedBanana99

#25. I Think We Can All Agree That Stance Builds Like These Are Incredibly Stupid

Source: drifkingg

#26. If You Gonna Do, Do It Properly


#27. Basketball Taillight

Source: c0decat

#28. Silent Killer Mkii

Source: sickofyoursh*thun

#29. This Window Tint

Source: jaycinade

#30. How Is This Even Legal?

Source: GiddieOutMyWay