Student Goes Off On Teacher After She Made A Classmate Wait Outside 20 Minutes And Refused To Open The Door

Leona Martinez

School is an educational environment where children go to learn from a teacher and grow educationally, emotionally, and morally. But sometimes, things don't go as smoothly as planned. On the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, one Redditor asked the online community, "Am I the jerk for going off on my Spanish teacher after she yelled at me for opening the classroom door?"

In the post, the OP shared that their Spanish teacher made a rule that only she could open the classroom door. It was meant to keep things organized, but it started causing problems. One day, on a study guide for an upcoming test, one student was locked out because they were a bit late. They kept knocking on the door and stood outside for about 20 minutes, but the teacher refused to open. Eventually, the OP decided to take action and open the door themselves. That was when things got heated. The teacher got upset and yelled at the OP. The OP snapped at her.

What do you think? Scroll down to read the entire story.

Source: Reddit

Here's the full story of OP:

Source: SunShy970

Every morning during the Spanish class, OP's teacher enforces a strict policy where only she can open the classroom door

Source: SunShy970

Students who arrive late to school have to wait for the teacher to open the door, but she leaves them outside for 10-15 minutes

Source: SunShy970

During a study guide session for an upcoming test, a student waited outside for about 20 minutes, OP eventually decided to open the door

Source: SunShy970

The teacher yelled at OP, accusing them of disrespecting her rules

Source: SunShy970

So, OP went off on their teacher

Source: SunShy970

OP provided an update to their post after reading the comments from the community

Source: SunShy970

Redditors have different views and thoughts about OP's story. Many of them agree that OP was not a jerk

Source: SeaRhubard3235

Some think that both OP and their teacher were wrong in this case:

Source: Katrinia17
Source: JetItTogether
Source: tonkus085

What are your thoughts on this story? Do you think the OP was wrong for doing so? And what would you do if you were in this situation?

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