Stephanie Melgoza’s Viral DUI Explained : Who Were Stephanie Melgoza’s Victims?

Margot Nolan

Stephanie Melgoza's DUI crash left a community in shock when a viral video captured her smiling after causing a fatal accident. Learn about the tragic incident, legal actions, and the emotional aftermath that followed.

Stephanie Melgoza’s DUI Incident: What Happened?

Stephanie Melgoza, of Illinois, was sentenced to 14 years in jail on Thursday, April 27, 2023, for her role in a DUI collision that killed two people. 

Melgoza was three times over the speed limit after a night of drinking when the incident occurred on April 10, 2022. Stephanie collided with two pedestrians, Andrea Rosewicz, 43, and Paul Prowant, 55, who were attempting to cross the street. 

Footage from Stephanie Melgoza’s crash scene shows cops informing Stephania Melgoza that the two victims were dead. Melgoza was observed smiling after hearing this, leading the cops to react with astonishment and disdain. In connection with the event, she was found guilty of severe DUI and more serious reckless driving.

Reactions To The Crime: How Did The Families Of Stephanie Melgoza’s Victims Feel?

Andrea Rosewicz and Paul Prowant Source: Google Images

Understandably, the families of Andrea Rosewicz and Paul Prowant, Stephanie Melgoza’s victims, were devastated by the tragedy. Their reactions to Stephanie Melgoza's crime were filled with sorrow, anger, and a firm demand for justice. They wanted to see the DUI perpetrator serve the maximum sentence: 28 years in prison.

As the families of Melgoza’s victims displayed photographs during the proceedings, they aimed to remind everyone involved of the irreplaceable loss they were suffering.

They placed the blame squarely on Melgoza, emphasizing that her decision to drink and drive had irrevocably altered their lives. In their grief, they believed that a maximum sentence for Melgoza was necessary, not just for their own healing, but also to prevent such tragedies in the future.

Stephanie Melgoza’s Trial & Sentence: Were Justices Served?

Stephanie Melgoza’s Trial & Sentence Source: Google Images

According to the Chronicle-Telegram, Stephanie Melgoza was a senior at Bradley University in East Peoria at the time of the incident. She was driving inebriated down North Main Street around 10:15 p.m. on April 10, 2022, when she hit two people. Authorities uncovered a little package of marijuana, a straw, and an open bottle of Tito vodka when searching Melgoza's car, according to Central Illinois Proud.

A reaction officer also stated that he smelled alcohol on Melgoza. Students at Bradley University conducted a memorial ceremony for Andrea Rosewicz and Paul Prowant after learning of the accident. They planned a demonstration after finding that Stephanie Melgoza was still permitted to graduate despite the charges against her. 

Stephanie Melgoza DUI Source: Google Images

Stephanie Melgoza was later discovered to have been barred from the event despite being permitted to get her graduation.

Melgoza's lawyer, Kevin Sullivan, responded to the case by saying his client regrets it and wants to raise awareness about the hazards of drunk driving. Judge Tim Cusack remarked that intoxicated drivers should face strong penalties in order to avoid future accidents. Cusack claims that the method is founded on punishment and recuperation, and that he must strike a balance between the two.

Melgoza must serve approximately 85% of her sentence since she is given credit for being under house arrest and being jailed for two days.


Stephanie Melgoza’s Victims

In a harrowing incident that shocked many, Stephanie Melgoza faced the consequences of her actions in a DUI crash that claimed two lives. The viral video of her smiling at the scene will forever remain a haunting reminder of the devastating effects of drunk driving. As justice was served, the community grapples with the aftermath, emphasizing the importance of strict penalties for intoxicated drivers.