While English is common around the world, it’s still generally a hard language to grasp. Especially, the spelling aspect can be a tough nut to crack for many. Even native people can have a hard time spelling complicated words such as “congratulations”, “narcissistic”, or “regeneration”. Therefore, don’t beat yourself up if you misspell a word or two.
However, there are times when a spelling mistake can result in an incredibly hilarious situation. Here are some of the best spelling fails we can find that will surely have you rolling on the floor.
#1. Uhm…McDonald’s? Hello?

#2. Yes, I Will Stob My Car Right Now

#3. I Don’t Believe They Didn’t Do This On Purpose

#4. *Shop Owner Loads Shotgun From Afar With Malicious Intent*

#5. The Worst She Can Say Is No-

#6. No, But I Sure Want To Exit Right Now

#7. Guess I’ll Take My Possessed Dog Elsewhere Then

#8. When You Try To Be Motivational But Your English Level Isn’t There Just Yet

#9. What The Hell Is On This Menu?

#10. What Do You Mean “Good Luck”?

#11. Well Sure, It Does Have A Pin So…

#12. Never Knew Porn Could Be Accidental

#13. Oh The Irony

#14. What About Washing My Hand After Living?

#15. McDonald’s Is At It Again

#16. A Daily Reminder Of Why Having A Punctuation Is Extremely Important

#17. * Wave Back To Michael*

#18. These Are Some Violent Minions

#19. The Japanese Aren’t The Best English Speakers, And Here’s An Evidence

#20. Very Realistic. I Love It

#21. Christians Will Avoid This Heretic Laundry Room

#22. Ah Yes, I Can’t Wait To Get Panished

#23. Where Can I Buy These Particular Snickers…Asking For A Friend…

#24. Not The Best Way To Advertise Your School Though…

#25. To Treat An Illegal Act By Another Illegal Act

#26. Now That’s Not Very Sanitary

#27. The Scary Thing Is, This Line Still Makes Sense Even If It Wasn’t A Mistake

#28. Literally Spat Out My Tea Seeing This

#29. Good Advice Right There

#30. Oh My God That’s Disgusting! Where?

#31. One Letter Is Enough To Make All The Differences

#32. Bon Apple Tea, Monsieur

#33. I Have Several Questions

It’s OK to make mistakes with your spelling, but some mistakes can lead to disastrous situations, just like the spelling fails we’ve shown you above. However, it’s impossible not to smile at the innocent blunders and unintentional humor that language can bring.
Are you enjoying what you see? Then feel free to check out our other hilarious articles below.