#1 This person has a whole zoo on their car
Source: oyotaSupra00
#2 Anyone thinks this is cool?
Source: ew5
#3 You said you like heels?
Source: desertmamba
#4 Hungry on a walk
Source: escargotBleu
#5 Moss sandals...to keep your feet dry and green
Source: thiccticctacc
#6 High quality, instantly recognizable, horrible taste
Source: Pork-Piggler
#7 When you ask your boyfriend to buy new silverware
Source: woctaog
#8 Hughes Water Gardens in Wilsonville. 1 part cool, 2 parts creepy
Source: KS_PDX
#9 This looks disturbing
Source: AlecTheDalek
#10 Say hello to this Golden Retrieber
Source: bipnoodooshup
#11 Fruit head
Source: Jazorn
#12 This is from the “thanks for the recommendation” section of the Bible
Source: FearlessFixxer
#13 That's a big no-no
Source: drunk-astronaut
#14 Be careful; It looks laced
Source: The_Loudest_Bear
#15 Donald Trump buddha?! Seriously, who made this?
Source: Jack_Madee
#16 Can’t decide if this is awful, or just makes me uncomfortable
Source: findthetangent