Relax, Skittles Lovers: No Ban In California, Plus 21 Rainbow Induced Skittles Memes For A Sweet Laugh!

Jonathan Hayda

Lately, some folks in California have been worrying: Are Skittles Banned?

Let's dig deep into the mystery surrounding Skittles and the Golden State. We'll uncover the truth about the supposed Skittles ban and put your fears to rest. Plus, to keep things light and fun, we'll serve up 21 hilarious Skittles memes. So, let's find out what's happening with Skittles and have a good laugh while we're at it!

Are Skittles Banned In California?

Skittles are not banned in California Source: Google Images

Worries about Skittles getting the boot in California are causing a stir, but here's the real deal: Skittles aren't being banned.

The fuss began when California Governor Gavin Newsom inked the California Food Safety Act into law. This new law restricts certain food additives, which could've impacted Skittles, but the final version of the bill doesn't include the one that would've kicked them out – titanium dioxide.

Instead, it gives manufacturers until 2027 to rework their recipes without the banned additives. Skittles will still be around, but they'll use their European standards recipe, where these additives are already banned.

In a nutshell, Skittles aren't disappearing; they're just getting a new recipe. Now, let's start with our memes!

#1. You're Evil, Mam

good human being, bad mom Source: 9Gag

#2. Bark Side Of The Moon

When a dog eats skittles Source: 9Gag

The well-known catchphrase "Taste the Rainbow" originated in 1994 and stands as one of the lengthiest marketing campaigns to date.

D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles, a New York-based advertising firm established in 1985, were the creative minds behind the entire concept for the Skittles advertising drive.

#3. SKItTLes

Tom Holland Source: 9Gag

#4. Where Do You Think They Met?

Skittles and M&M's Source: 9Gag

#5. Hottest Meme

reddit iframe loading

#6. Then There's Just Smarties

Then There's Just Smarties Source: Reddit

#7. Skittles Are The Deadliest

Deadly Skittles Source: Reddit

#8. Just One More

Rocky Face Is Like Your Tongue After Eating Skittles Source: Reddit

#9. Real Friends Bring Their Own Skittles

Real Friends Bring Their Own Skittles Source: Reddit

#10. Way Too Soon

I finished a bag of Skittles in 3 seconds Source: Imgur

#11. Skittles Ads Are Different Kinds Of Art

Skittles Ads Are Different Kinds Of Art Source: Reddit

Back in 2009, Skittles delved into the realm of social media, leveraging the power of the internet and social platforms to connect with a broader audience.

In addition to maintaining its official website, Skittles proudly holds a Facebook page with approximately 25 million likes, a well-received Twitter account, and a highly subscribed YouTube channel.

#12. Taste The Rainbow Pox

Taste The Rainbow Pox Source: Reddit

#13. Not So American Mix Now Ha

Not So American Mix Source: Reddit

Presently, Skittles brings its delightful flavors to the taste buds of over 65 countries worldwide.

In the United States, it proudly claims the title of the second most beloved candy, and among North American children, it reigns as the top favorite.

#14. I'd Rather Not Join You

I'd Rather Not Source: Imflip

#15. Natural Is Healing

Source: Imgur
In a 100 grams of Skittles, you'll find a whopping 400 calories, along with 90.7 grams of carbohydrates and a staggering 75.6 grams of sugar. While they come in fruit flavors, don't mistake them for real fruit. 

#16. You're A Bad Adult, Sir

You're A Bad Adult, Sir Source: Imgur

#17. Taste The Pun

Taste The Pun Source: Imgur
Marshawn Lynch, the American footballer, became a spokesperson for Skittles after he attributed the candy to his success in the world of sports.

#18. Back In Those Days

Source: Imgur

#19. Until They Hear US

Lime Skittles Are The Best Source: Imgur

#20. Yes They Do Hear Us!

Yes They Do Hear Us! Source: Imgur

#21. Some Might Not Like Lime That Much

Some Might Not Like Lime That Much Source: Imgur
Although the original Skittles flavors remain available, you can now find a wide array of varieties, such as Tropical, Wild Berry, and Smoothie Mix.


Skittles don't melt Source: Google Images

The Skittles scare in California had everyone talking, but in reality, Skittles Banned Are A Hoax! Therefore keep tasting the rainbow!

California state is taking a stance on certain additives, and companies like Mars, the maker of Skittles, are adjusting their recipes. So, worry not, candy lovers! To sweeten the deal, enjoy these 21 hilarious Skittles memes that'll tickle your funny bone and celebrate the relief. And Don't forget to follow us to get the latest rumor debunked as well as some memes to go along with!