Redefine Weirdness With 20 Horribly Designed Constructions

Larry Campbell

We're confident that when you scroll through these insanely built constructions, you'll ask yourself, "What on earth were these individuals thinking?" They would have to start over and do it right if they made a mistake during construction, right? You may assume as much, huh?
The issue with all of these poorly built locations is that they haven't been fixed, altered, or completely eliminated; they have just been kept in place. What's the point of leaving them there when they're all useless and incapable of fulfilling their duties properly? We believe the simplest way to answer that query is to amuse them.

#1 What to do when you and your bestie cannot buy adjacent apartments

Source: Reddit

#2 Hello there, I'm having business here

Source: Reddit

#3 Secret door to the after life

Source: Reddit

#4 That's a massive speed bump

Source: Reddit

This monstrosity of a speed bumper will send any vehicle airborne if the driver doesn't slow down in time.

#5 This stair reminds me of my decisions, all lead to a dead-end

Source: Reddit

#6 Is there any way to possibly get to that door?

Source: Reddit

#7 Take a sh*t while watching your loved one do her hair, sounds great

Source: Reddit

#8 Why is this?

Source: Reddit

#9 How to install a door and make it useless

Source: Reddit

#10 Anyone lost a bucket?

Source: Reddit

#11 Still can't p out what that's for

Source: Reddit

What is the purpose of that...wall?

#12 This is irritating to my eyes

Source: Reddit

How couldn't they feel anything wrong while building it like that? This triggers my imaginary OCD. I would wreck this sh*t and then build over if I was the owner.

#13 How is it like living on a cliff?

Source: Reddit

Can you feel that it tilts? Can believe that some people can really live in this house.

#14 Can I call this a gate?

Source: Reddit

#15 For those who like having conversations with their best buddy in the WC

Source: Reddit

#16 It's safe. Believe me!

Source: Reddit

#17 Can't get it

Source: Reddit

#18 Come in& go out

Source: Reddit

#19 Stand up to press

Source: Reddit

#20 Stairs to Knowhere?

Source: Reddit