Redditor Reports Loud Neighbors And Accidentally Puts Them Under Financial Strain

Manda Garcia

Living in an apartment complex can bring its own set of challenges, especially when dealing with a mix of neighbors. Things get even trickier when some neighbors seem to ignore the rules and show little consideration for others.

That's exactly what happened to this Redditor. She got along well with her neighbors until a new couple moved in about a year ago. They made a lot of noise at all hours. OP tried to talk to them nicely about it, but they didn't take it well and got defensive. Therefore, she went to the apartment manager and filed a complaint. As a result, the couple got fined $500 due to several complaints. But now, the couple is upset with OP, saying her actions have put them in a tight spot financially. As the other neighbors continue to deal with the noise, OP is left wondering if she did the right thing by reporting them. Scroll down to read the full story!

Here's the question:

Source: AyKimmy

OP hadn't had any issues with the neighborhood until a new couple moved in.

Source: AyKimmy

OP asked them to be quieter.

Source: AyKimmy

They don't get along.

Source: AyKimmy

OP decided to report them.

Source: AyKimmy

And felt bad about that.

Source: AyKimmy

OP added more context.

Source: AyKimmy
Source: AyKimmy
Source: AyKimmy

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

Source: tropicaldiver
Source: JeepNaked

They have to respect the ordinances put in place.

Source: XxmsmaliciousxX
Source: AnnieJack

Actions have consequences.

Source: narrissa

As always, we would love to hear your opinions on this topic. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.