In today's world, people use their mobile phones to record almost anything they see. Whether it's a beautiful view, a tasty meal, a new purchase, or even unforeseen accidents, they want to capture and share these moments with others. But you know what? Sometimes, it can be useful as evidence in the event of a problem. And this is the lesson that one Redditor has learned.
The OP has a dog. Although they kept their dog leashed and were mindful of their surroundings, the dog was attacked by unleashed dogs multiple times. The incidents, though not causing serious injuries, shed light on the callous attitude of some dog owners who demonstrated a complete lack of concern for the well-being of the victimized pet, evading any responsibility for their actions. Faced with such distressing incidents and the fear of future attacks, the pet owner came up with a unique approach: taking pictures of any unleashed dog they came across during their walks. However, when the owner of an unleashed dog caught the OP snapping a picture, they got angry with the OP.
The OP didn't know whether they were wrong or not. So they come to the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit to ask people online for their opinions.
Scroll down to read the whole story and the opinions of Redditors. Don't forget to let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment in the comment section below.
Source: Reddit

That explains it. The OP has only learned from it after it happened multiple times

When matters unexpectedly become serious, this card may come in extremely handy

The unleashed dog must have also been startled. Poor dog

Here's what Redditors had to say about the OP's story: