Redditor Faces Criticism After Her Roommates Find Out She's Been Married Throughout Their Shared Tenancy

Manda Garcia

We're used to hearing about roommate dramas on Reddit, but this post's situation seems more complex than it needs to be. OP is facing issues with her roommates after they found out her significant secret.

OP has been married for quite some time, and her roommates never caught on. They feel she let them down by not openly talking about her marital status. They called her in a frenzy when they learned the truth. Her roommates believe that her marriage has completely altered the dynamic they shared. They mentioned that legally, her husband can move in whenever he pleases. Accusations flew that OP kept them in the dark about this. Scroll down to read the whole story.

OP asks:

Source: buffythepslayer

OP's roommates found out she got married.

Source: buffythepslayer

OP would never do anything that would violate a standard lease.

Source: buffythepslayer

That upsets everyone.

Source: buffythepslayer

They are looking into breaking the lease and OP freaking out.

Source: buffythepslayer

Let's dive into the comment section and explore the diverse viewpoints!

NTA, these people say.

Source: RRLyrae1
Source: random_cookie_
Source: Full-String7137


Source: NakedStreets
Source: seeteethree
Source: TipsyRussell


Source: Tomboyish717

With various perspectives in play, some labeling OP as the YTA, others siding with her (NTA), and some seeing a mix of both (ESH), it's evident that this topic stirs diverse viewpoints. What's your take on this situation? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.