Quirky And Dark Comics By SpaceBoyCantLol That'll Make Your Day

Leona Martinez

Reading comics is one of the best ways to pass out of time. Although comics are even short, they're hilarious, aren't they? Nowadays, there are a lot of comic types. Some comics that are lighthearted revolve around funny day-to-day stories while others are just for those who like dark humor. Are you a dark humor lover? If yes, this post is truly for you. If not, these comics will take you by surprise. Let's see which one we will introduce to you today. SpaceBoyCantLol's Weird Comics might be found here.
Welcome to the world of SpaceboyCantLOL, a webcomic full of dark humor and unexpected twists. All of the comics shared there will satisfy your inner demon. “SpaceboyCantLOL” covers random topics like heartbreaks, superheroes, and ghosts. Also, it shows the reality and challenges the logic of our world. If you passionately enjoy adorable but weird puns, you will surely love this comic.
In a recent interview, Mohit Srivastava, the Indian artist behind the "SpaceboyCantLOL", revealed that his artistic journey began when he was just a kid. At that time he fell in love with comic books. "Other kids my age were learning to read fairy tales and I was here, running around with my cousins’ graphic novels, just to look at pictures since advanced English used in those didn’t make any sense to me." told the artist. Growing older, the author often drew comics on empty papers in his house and at the end of test papers in school. He also added that he keeps his love for comics alive through his social media page because his current job is not completely about comics. His Quirky And Dark Comics are hilarious.
According to Mohit, there are many webcomics that have influenced him in his creative process like "mrlovenstein", "extrafabulous_comic", "loading.artist", and "war.and.peas" - a list of recognized creators in the comic world. However, the artist sometimes doesn't know how and where he gets his ideas from. "It’s like when I am not even trying, I get the funniest ideas but if I sit down specifically to ideate, I can’t think to save my life. My brain and I run on different schedules." explained the man.
Now, take a look at quirky and dark comics with funny twists by SpaceBoyCantLol to cheer you up. Scroll down!

#1 Here's a little BREAKDOWN of how to get revenge on old people

Quirky And Dark Comics Source: spaceboycantlol

#2 Have to be specific

Quirky And Dark Comics Source: spaceboycantlol

#3 Perfect... No offense, nun taken

Quirky And Dark Comics Source: spaceboycantlol

#4 You should go investigate alone

Quirky And Dark Comics Source: spaceboycantlol

#5 If she can't see you, she won't know you're ugly

Quirky And Dark Comics Source: spaceboycantlol

#6 Phew, dodged a bullet there

Source: spaceboycantlol

#7 Unfortunately very true

Source: spaceboycantlol

#8 The real psychopath is probably me

Source: spaceboycantlol

#9 Worked like a charm!

Source: spaceboycantlol

#10 Very good solution

Source: spaceboycantlol

#11 He doesn't lie

Source: spaceboycantlol

#12 Missed call ?

Source: spaceboycantlol

#13 Okey come visit me

Source: spaceboycantlol

#14 Strategically posting this on a SUNday!

Source: spaceboycantlol

#15 That was smooth

Source: spaceboycantlol

#16 Just hang in there!

Quirky And Dark Comics Source: spaceboycantlol

#17 Nicee?... exactly how it happened

Quirky And Dark Comics Source: spaceboycantlol

#18 OMG Satya Police is back!

Quirky And Dark Comics Source: spaceboycantlol

#19 What do the priest and vegetables have in common?

Source: spaceboycantlol

#20 Those dark humor superhero BTS

Source: spaceboycantlol

#21 In a parallel universe

Quirky And Dark Comics Source: spaceboycantlol

#22 Last one is tragedy lol

Quirky And Dark Comics Source: spaceboycantlol

#23 I am Groot! Thanks for asking. How are you?

Quirky And Dark Comics Source: spaceboycantlol

#24 I want to take my own life

Quirky And Dark Comics Source: spaceboycantlol

#25 This is a really STRANGE way to get high

Source: spaceboycantlol

#26 Those "funny comics" are damn depressing

Source: spaceboycantlol

#27 And now he can take an even worse picture of her

Source: spaceboycantlol

#28 And the Lord said, "Let there be light."

Source: spaceboycantlol

#29 Daddy's home

Source: spaceboycantlol

#30 Comforting ?

Source: spaceboycantlol

#31 A doctor a day keeps apples away

Source: spaceboycantlol

#32 Broke-n Inside

Source: spaceboycantlol

#33 This is the plot of Black Butler

Source: spaceboycantlol

#34 I'm sad for the Jigsaw guy

Source: spaceboycantlol

#35 So true lol

Source: spaceboycantlol