When someone likes to adopt a pet, they're excited to go to the shelter. Plenty of canine fellows are waiting for them to pick, but little do they know how much these guys yearn to be held precious and loved. Barney is a perfect example of a dog that considers humans his absolute world and gives humans unfathomable love. Don't skip his story because you might help him find eternal happiness!
Source: Darlington County Humane Society
Source: Darlington County Humane Society
Source: Darlington County Humane Society
Source: Darlington County Humane Society
At these adoption events, he smiles at passers-by and waves his tail as if saying he would love to befriend them for the rest of his life. Despite the spirit, Barney is ignored, and no applications for adopting him. After the latest event, Barney looks so sad. He must be wondering why such a big crowd comes, but no one notices and likes to take him home.
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Source: Darlington County Humane Society
Source: Darlington County Humane Society
Source: Darlington County Humane Society
Source: Darlington County Humane Society
Source: Darlington County Humane Society
Source: Darlington County Humane Society