20 Tweets That Show The Harsh And Hilarious Truth Of Pregnancy

Manda Garcia

As any mom or mom-to-be already knows, pregnancy is everything but easy. Sure, it is one of the greatest miracles you'll have in your life, hence the price is not cheap. Seriously, what in this world can be harder than carrying a human inside the womb? This 9-month journey with a lot of sacrifices, pains, and tiredness, who would understand it better than women themselves? Thankfully, a lot of expecting women are coping with their childbearing blues with a healthy dose of humor. And we would like to spread this positivity to everyone.
Today, we are bringing to you a funny collection of tweets about pregnancy that all moms will relate to. Scroll down to check them out!


Source: zoevsuniverse


Source: oldenoughtosay


Source: yoongishands8


Source: XplodingUnicorn


Source: NewlyVulcan


Source: nienna121


Source: ChangeMyMindPlz


Source: oneawkwardmom


Source: mamahoodlife


Source: RomiWrights


Source: saltymamas


Source: hannibalsexwife


Source: aproko_doctor


Source: ErikRivera


Source: TheaLanden


Source: AnecdtlBrthCtrl


Source: anne_theriault


Source: chrissyteigen


Source: saltymermaident


Source: BiKeR626