Pixels and Puns: 20 Bold and Memeful Dark Comics by Arcade Rage

Emily Mahboobeh

There's a lot happening in the world, and if we pay attention to every tragedy, it can drive us crazy. The news already tells us about many terrible things, but we've become accustomed to ignoring them and focusing on what directly affects us.

Memes and comics are great for turning bad things into something good. By laughing about things, we can talk about them in a more relaxed way and also educate people. Mart Virkus, an artist from Estonia, does exactly that in a unique way. Through his comics, called Arcade Rage, he expresses his frustrations about different subjects. Take a look at his clever comics below!

#1. Bro would rather drown than date someone his age...

Source: Arcade Rage

#2. There are two types of people:

Source: Arcade Rage

#3. Hey Siri - ABORT

Source: Arcade Rage

#4. Fire in the hole.

Source: Arcade Rage

#5. Bring out the gimp.

Source: Arcade Rage

#6. Learn the difference, save a life.

Source: Arcade Rage

#7. For the last time, it’s “father”.

Source: Arcade Rage

#8. Scratch my b*tch up.

Source: Arcade Rage

#9. Andy gets randy.

Source: Arcade Rage

#10. Press G to pay respects.

Source: Arcade Rage

#11. "I won’t raise no feeders."

Source: Arcade Rage

#12. A happy ending for Alien:

Source: Arcade Rage

#13. R.I.P.

Source: Arcade Rage

#14. Jingle balls.

Source: Arcade Rage

#15. Surveillance fan.

Source: Arcade Rage

#16. Pls don’t kill me.

Source: Arcade Rage

#17. The hard Knight.

Source: Arcade Rage

#18. Tutorial completed.

Source: Arcade Rage


Source: Arcade Rage

#20. Dungeons & dildos.

Source: Arcade Rage

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