Permanent Regrets: A Gallery Of Terrible Tattoos (26 Pics)

Emily Mahboobeh

We've all heard the saying "Think before you ink," but sometimes people just don't get the message. And the result? Some of the most terrible tattoos you'll ever see. In this gallery, we've compiled 26 tattoos that are so bad, they'll make you cringe, laugh, and wonder what was going through the person's mind when they got it.

From the horrendously misspelled quotes to the designs that leave you scratching your head, these terrible tattoos are truly cringe-worthy. Some of them are so bad that they should come with a warning label that says "may cause uncontrollable laughter." But, let's be real, these terrible tattoos are hilarious. They're like the gift that keeps on giving. So, take a break from your day and have a good laugh at the expense of these unfortunate tattoo recipients. And, if you're thinking about getting a tattoo, just remember these photos and think twice before making a permanent decision.

#1. Why???

Source: Team Jimmy Joe

#2. Tribute level: Ludacris.

Source: gangstertoppen

#3. It's supposed to be her holding her guardian angel.

Source: bekah.milly

#4. Double it and give it to the next person...

Source: Unknown/Pinterest


Source: Unknown/Reddit

#6. Tat? Looks like Sharpie.

Source: miike_SWAMPAZZ

#7. Are we trying to quote Fleetwood Mac??

Source: Unknown/Pinterest

#8. Forget the sentence, why is there a pregnant hand??

Source: tattoo_fails

#9. No!

Source: Team Jimmy Joe

#10. Took me a min to read not gonna lie...

Source: tattoo_fails

#11. Lord give us strenght!

Source: tattoo_fails

#12. Just, why?!

Source: tattoo_fails

#13. Is there a special line at customs for this?

Source: Tattoo's time

#14. Dude, can I get them in blue?!

Source: tattoo_fails

#15. WTH is Wu-tang clan?

Source: Unknown/Pinterest

#16. You spelled hate wrong...

Source: Unknown/Imgur

#17. Are you sure?

Source: Unknown/Tumblr

#18. Wha-...

Source: Team Jimmy Joe

#19. Ah... a classic!

Source: Team Jimmy Joe

#20. Good advice. At least she doesn’t have to look at it

Source: Ramp8nt

#21. Oh... sweetie.

Source: Team Jimmy Joe

#22. Who is Bill and what did he do to you?

Source: Galaxy-Walker

#23. Got it, you don't have to rub it in my face. Oh-...

Source: equin World

#24. Melattica?

Source: FeshPoince

#25. When you want a tattoo but only want to spend $25 and maybe toss in a 6-pack:

Source: Team Jimmy Joe

#26. Whyyy???

Source: Team Jimmy Joe