People Explain Why Celebs And Brands Blocked Them on Twitter, and It's A Wild Ride

Emily Mahboobeh

Social media is an amazing place where we can connect with anyone and everyone with one simple click of a keyboard. And, while the ability to reach out to literally anyone is something we truly cherish, sometimes we take full advantage of it. Celebs and brands, while well-known, are also run by real people with real feelings behind their Twitter handles. So often, we forget this and choose to troll the sh*t out of them on social media instead of treating them like actual people. And we're here at Aubtu, where we're all for throwing shade, but don't cry when you get blocked (LOL). With that said, keep scrolling as we present the times when celebrities and famous brands block people, and it's going to be a hell of a ride.
It's always fascinating to see what makes a celeb quick to hit that "BLOCK" button. So let's dive in to see these stories of why they were blocked by celebs and brands; enjoy!

#1. B.O.B.

Source: NickFalconPunch

#2. Cardi B.

Source: JorgeNSFL

#3. Nicki Minaj

Source: IMDIEGO12

#4. Wendy Williams.

Source: dregodagreat

#5. Danielle Fishel.

Source: DregoDaGreat

#6. Sun-Maid Raisins?

Celebs And BrandsSource: JizzJohnsonJr

#7. When Donald J Trump blocked you but you're Chrissy Teigen:

Source: chrissyteigen

#8. Gene Simmons.

Celebs And BrandsSource: bertkreischer

#9. Every Twitter conservative:

Celebs And BrandsSource: jon_zal

#10. Being blocked by Hugh Jackman and confused:

Celebs And BrandsSource: JackieWarner13

#11. You must know the recipe...

Source: boring_as_heck

#12. Iggy Azalea.

Celebs And BrandsSource: slvppy

#13. Buddy got McBlocked.

Source: royal_lv

#14. Trey Songz.

Source: LifeIsGood8735

#15. Amy Schumer.

Celebs And BrandsSource: KEEMSTAR

#16. Even SpongeBob SquarePants?

Source: willfilthy

#17. Lastly, PETA LOL.

Celebs And BrandsSource: cherryygxms

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