20 Oddly Bizarre Wedding Images Ensured To Make You Feel Cringe

Larry Campbell

It's safe to say that brides and grooms from all over the world have various styles, preferences, and unique ideas about what their wedding photographs should look like. While some people choose to take their wedding photos in a pleasant, classy manner, others like to think outside the box and do something that has never been done before. We don't mean to imply that we don't value originality; we do!
Nonetheless, we believe that before moving forward with these pictures, the individuals on this list ought to have consulted with friends and family. Prepare yourself for some of the funniest, most offensive, and bizarre wedding pictures online! So scroll down to have some belly laughs!

#1. Their Love For Watermelon In One Picture

Source: Pikabu

The way the bride positioned her watermelon shows us just how inappropriate the meaning is behind the photo.

#2. The (Not So) Perfect Family Portrait

Source: Pikabu

Now, we're not sure if this family portrait is showing how this family actually is, or whether they hoped to share a picture of how they wish they were.

#3. Didn't Mom Tell You Not To Play With Your Food?

Source: Pikabu

We have no idea why they thought this would be a great idea, but hey, at least it's an original photo.

#4. For All The Bread Lovers In The World

Source: Pikabu

The picture was clearly photoshopped, but both the bride and the groom really put some emotions into the overall feeling of the photo.

#5. Is It Time To Go Home Yet?

Source: Pikabu

This bride certainly seems to be "thrilled" about the wonderful wedding party her family threw. We have no idea who the guy playing the instrument is, but we doubt that he is the groom.

#6. When You Want A Pirate-Themed Wedding But The Budget Is Not Enough For Some Gold Teeth

Source: Pikabu

The couple is eagerly pictured here biting their wedding bands, but depending on the angle, it may look like they are missing a tooth or two.

#7. Her Love Was Found At The Bottom Of This Bottle

Source: Pikabu

This couple went all the way to create a photoshopped situation of the groom in the form of a genie, while his bride holds the bottle he is coming out of. None of them look thrilled about it though which makes it all the more awkward.

#8. An Awkward Bathtub Moment

Source: Pikabu

There is no way that every single person in this photo, including all bridesmaids, thought it would be a good idea to pose inside of the bathtub together.

#9. When You Want To Be The "Centaur Of Attention"

Source: Pikabu

Instead of taking a few cheesy and romantic photos on the beach, they preferred to add some spice to their pictures by photoshopping the image of a horse onto their bodies. At least they were true to themselves.

#10. Keeping The Magic Alive

Source: Pikabu

The honest truth is that unless one is aware of the wedding traditions and customs of a specific place, then it's impossible to know what the bride and groom in this picture had in mind.

#11. Challenging Gender Roles In The Most Awkward Way

Source: Pikabu

Traditional gender roles exist in all societies, and while some people willingly (and often unwillingly) conform to them, others prefer to challenge social-cultural ideas of how a woman, a man, or anyone else should behave.

#12. 4 Or 5 Cocktails Later...

Source: Pikabu

She went there and started breakdancing to the point that everyone in the party completely lost their minds.

#13. Talk About A Magic Carpet Ride

Source: Pikabu

Nothing like having family members and friends who sign up for anything! These two lovebirds wanted to keep their tradition alive in their wedding photo, no matter how awkward it may have looked.

#14. The Bride And Groom Are Now One

Source: Pikabu

It's quite hard to understand from this picture if the bride is laughing ecstatically or crying, which makes it difficult to know if she is indeed happy with their choice of a wedding picture.

#15. Fellas, Is This A Metaphor For How Marriage Is?

Source: Pikabu

This picture is so many things, but romantic is definitely not one of them. In fact, the expression on the groom's face is so sad that it's even painful to look at it.

#16. Terrifying... Creepy... We Don't Have Enough Words For This

Source: Pikabu

Nah man, this couple failed at their wedding photo and we're not sure whether we should laugh or cry about it.

#17. Keeping The Bride Close

Source: Pikabu

They both look incredibly happy about their decision, with the bride smiling up towards her future hubbie.

#18. A Wedding Version Of Rapunzel

Source: Pikabu

So this couple really invested in the entire thing and created this memorable photo for the rest of their lives.

#19. Reproducing The Painting On The Background

Source: Pikabu

Not that the groom's head looks like a melon, but they managed to mimic the feel of it pretty well.

#20. Is That Why They Call It A "Shotgun" Wedding?

Source: Pikabu

What's the logic behind it, you might ask? We have no idea.

#21. Finish Him!

Source: Pikabu

This couple is either a big fan of Mortal Kombat, or they just wanted to have a bit of fun during their wedding photoshoot. In this photo, the bride does a cool move, similar to that moment we would hear "finish him" in the actual game.

#22. On The Way To Catch Her Man

Source: Pikabu

We can imagine what she is trying to tell us here. She seems to be in the animal kingdom, slowly looking for her next prey.