Meet The Golden Palm Weaver, The Distinctive Bird Covered In Brilliant Yellow-Orange Hue That Dazzles All Eyes On It

Carolyn Mullet

Among birds, some are designed to blend with the environment, while some are outstanding, which makes the diversity of the wildlife. Mother nature selects the most magnificent creatures gifted to soar in the sky. One of them is the golden palm weaver (Ploceus bojeri), a bird looking like a gleaming sunlight ray while gliding.

Source: Maurizio Ravasini, Meru NP, Eastern, Kenya

This bird is a common weaver of the coastal palms in East Africa, from Kenya to Ethiopia. It s found in coastal savanna and scrub, often in areas with abundant palms and inland along rivers through the dry country.

Source: Antero Topp, Bamburi/Mombasa North Beach, Coast, Kenya

The breeding male is bright yellow with a mostly orange head. The female is duller, though still very yellow. Both sexes show a dark eye in all plumages.

Female    Source: Laurent Esselen, Bamburi, Baobab Road, Muyuni, Coast, Kenya

Source: Megan Perkins, Watamu, Coast, Kenya

The Golden Palm Weaver is gregarious and roosts in flocks when not breeding. Their vocalizations are typical of weavers: high-pitched "cheeep" notes and a sizzling "radio static" song. They feed on seeds and insects.

Source: James Kashangaki, Turtle Bay Beach Club, Coast, Kenya

Their nests built by both sexes are usually suspended low under palm fronds or over water in thorn trees. The male displays while hanging below the nest entrance, with his wings spread vertically, but his wings usually move very little, and he may bow slowly.

Source: Tom Kennedy, Watamu, Coast, Kenya

Source: Jacques Erard, Arabuko-Sokoke Forest NR, Coast, Kenya

After mating, the female often lays two eggs. Incubation and nestling care are known little.

Source: Markus Lilje, Buffalo Springs NR, Eastern, Kenya

IUCN Red List classifies the golden palm weaver as of Least Concern. Even though its population isn't counted precisely, it's believed to be stable.

Source: Nik Borrow, Buffalo Springs NR, Eastern, Kenya

Source: Peter Kaestner, Majlis, Coast, Kenya

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