Meet Pancho - The Cat With The Gloomiest Face You've Ever Seen

Carolyn Mullet

Cats have been an endless source of amusement throughout the years with their lovable appearance and playful pranks. Their unique purring magically brings joy and happiness into our lives. Interestingly, their charm isn’t affected even if some of them have a gloomy look. Even though they look like the most miserable cats in the world, they still melt our hearts in a memorable way.
Let’s meet Pancho - the cat with the gloomiest face from Maizuru, Japan. If you often find comfort in cat images and videos, you must have come across his increasingly popular face. He even makes his name the saddest-looking cat on the internet. You would definitely find his sorrowful expression so incredible and unforgettable.


Source: pancho0002

This 13-year-old furball has captured many hearts of social media users with his melancholic look. Pancho’s owner, Akira Yamaguchi, explains that the cat had droopy eyes when he was born, so he always looks like a sad cat. “But it happens occasionally. Pancho is usually cute”


Source: pancho0002


Source: pancho0002

According to Akira, Pancho was found and taken care of by an elementary school student 13 years ago. The student then wanted to give Pancho a new home, and the cat ended up living with Akira’s family. For 13 years, this feline has become a famous and endearing cat with a charm that no one can resist.


Source: pancho0002

Pancho is a furball with a sad face and a big heart. He receives lots of love and cares from people around him, and he also shows his affection for them. “Everyone loves Pancho and Pancho loves everyone in return. He gets along well with everyone. And he is very spoiled.”


Source: pancho0002


Source: pancho0002

Despite the low-spirited appearance, Pancho is a happy and healthy cat with a motto that could be described as “eat well, play well, sleep well”.


Source: pancho0002

However, capturing the best moments of Pancho isn’t as easy as you might think. “If I talk to him while he’s sleeping in the daytime and take a picture, I can easily take a good picture,” she said. “But Pancho can look troublesome at times.”


Source: pancho0002

Pancho’s charisma has stolen so many hearts that he could possibly become a feline sensation online. His widespread popularity is a perfect precursor to a prospect of a true celebrity in the feline world.


Source: pancho0002

However, his owner shared that the joy and energy people feel from Pancho is the most meaningful thing to her. “I am grateful that so many people love Pancho and that he has brought happiness into their lives,” Akira added.


Source: pancho0002

It's clear that Akira is passionate about the well-being of all felines on our planet. “I’m glad that many people like cats,” she shared. “I want more happy cats in the world.” She hopes that sharing Pancho’s photos and videos helps others value and care for cats more because they deserve all the love.
Today, let's Scroll down to see more pics of Pancho - the cat with the gloomiest face!


Pancho - The Cat With The Gloomiest FaceSource: pancho0002


Pancho - The Cat With The Gloomiest FaceSource: pancho0002


Pancho - The Cat With The Gloomiest FaceSource: pancho0002


Pancho - The Cat With The Gloomiest FaceSource: pancho0002


Pancho - The Cat With The Gloomiest FaceSource: pancho0002


Pancho - The Cat With The Gloomiest FaceSource: pancho0002


Pancho - The Cat With The Gloomiest FaceSource: pancho0002


Pancho - The Cat With The Gloomiest FaceSource: pancho0002


Pancho - The Cat With The Gloomiest FaceSource: pancho0002


Pancho - The Cat With The Gloomiest FaceSource: pancho0002

Have you ever seen Pancho’s photos before? How do you feel about him? Do you know any other cats with such a sad expression? Share your thoughts with us in the comment below, and don’t forget to follow our site for more cool and captivating pics and stories!