Man's Anger Ignites As Wife Takes Dog Out To Pee Earlier Than Agreed Upon

Manda Garcia

When you bring a new dog into your life, it takes time for both of you to adjust to each other's routines. But once you establish that connection, you can't ignore its basic needs. There are various types of training that you can do together to match your needs and behaviors as much as possible. However, when it's time for sleep, rest, or a bathroom break, you can't tell your dog to wait.

Recently, a Redditor shared her story about her dog and its bathroom needs. Her dog is an early riser, waking up at 5 a.m. So, OP and her husband agreed to ignore the dog until 6 a.m. In a particular situation, the dog had to pee urgently, so OP took the dog out. OP's husband got really mad at her for not sticking to their agreement, even though she explained how urgent the situation was. She wondered if he was overreacting or if she should have ignored the dog's signals and waited for another hour before taking it out.

OP's question is:

Source: roundaboutzoo

OP and her husband that they would just strictly ignore the dog until 6am.

Source: roundaboutzoo

OP noticed the dog's strange behaviors so she took her out to pee.

Source: roundaboutzoo

The couple ended up arguing.

Source: roundaboutzoo

OP wondered if she or her husband was in the wrong in this situation.

Source: roundaboutzoo

Let's dive into the comment section and see what Redditors have to say!

Source: fleurdumal1111
Source: herdingcats2020

There is no “ignoring” when you’re potty training a dog.

Source: gastropodia42

The dog had to relieve itself.

Source: penguin_squeak
Source: SpeedBlitzX
Source: bdlock209

OP's husband is TAH.

Source: jellybeanbutt17
Source: RoadNo9352
Source: Tinuviel52

In the realm of pet ownership, navigating the unpredictable needs of our furry companions can sometimes lead to unexpected discussions. Do you think the husband's reaction was justified, or should understanding the dog's urgency take precedence? We'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!