Meet Lilly, The Cat With Crazy Eyebrows Who Makes You Think She's Judging You

Carolyn Mullet

Meet Lilly, a pretty calico cat who has unique facial features. Lilly is a 2-year-old cat who was found by her owner on the streets of New Jersey when she was just 4 months old. Lilly has the craziest and the funniest eyebrows but it also makes her look like she’s always judging you! Because of her unusual eyebrows, some people think she looks like Cara Delevingne or Eugene Levy.
She doesn’t care if anyone feels offended, she won’t hide her disappointment from anyone. This two-year-old kitty is not afraid and clearly expresses it through her judgmental eyebrows. Have a look, and you will know!
Here are beautiful photos of Lilly, Scroll down and enjoy! If you want to see more of Lilly’s daily chill life, you can check her out on Instagram.














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