19 Pictures That'll Show Why You Should Raise Two Kittens Instead Of One

Leona Martinez

Raising two kittens instead of one can be a wonderful decision for several reasons. For example, by raising two kittens together, they will have a built-in playmate and constant companionship. They can engage in playful activities, groom each other, and provide each other with comfort and support. This can help prevent loneliness and separation anxiety, especially when their human companions are away. Moreover, how they play around is so adorable that it will crack you up.

So, if you want to have a good laugh, just scroll down and check out the list of 19 funny pictures about life with two cats below. We are sure that they will have you rolling on the floor laughing. Don't forget to vote for your favorites. And share this list with your friends and family to give them a fabulous laugh too.

#1. Squirrel watching position

Source: meowzersparkles

#2. Two cats licking glass door

Source: v78

#3. Tried to capture a moment of friendship and peace...

#4. My 3 pound kitten having a stretch and yawn beside my 19 pound giant. Meet Will and Jeff

#5. My girls made a heart

Source: Urbiggestfan8

#6. The calm before the storm

Source: bugb34r

#7. Ladybug in the bathroom?! Hunting mode activated!

Source: n00se3003

#8. Told them a funny joke, my cats have a sense of humour

Source: mtlclown

#9. Brothers in Starrs

Source: xsmallwondersx

#10. I need some space...

Source: penguin_yuie

#11. Couldn't find them anywhere. Checked the bathroom closet

Source: JJMayes00

#12. I got little boi for big boi to have a friend to love and play with, bc big boi's big sissy would prefer to be left alone thank you very much

Source: maali74

#13. Meowfie

Source: AjKaramba

#14. Adopted a kitten, it seems he’s fitting in just fine. Or maybe a little too well

Source: skypiehi26

#15. Here comes John Cena!

Source: ParrotBruh

#16. The vet is SO scary!!

Source: drenniks

#17. Cats are liquid

Source: somegaykidd___

#18. My cats...Before and After

Source: StevePaing

#19. Cat selfie game on fire

Source: abstractreal11