Laughter Is The Best Medicine, So Here Are 27 Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your Illnesses

Emily Mahboobeh

They say, "Laughter Is The Best Medicine," and it’s true. Laughter draws people together in ways that activate healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. It boosts our mood, reduces pain, and protects us from the damaging effects of stress. Nothing works faster or more effectively than a good laugh. And a daily dose of humor will lighten your burdens, inspire hope, and keep you grounded. Laughter also helps you release anger and forgive sooner. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use. That's why we have collected some hilarious tweets to cure all your illnesses and brighten your day.
Let's scroll down and check them out! If you love what you read, make sure to like and follow these Twitter users for an A+ timeline.

#1. That, friends - is wisdom.

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: NoEmmeG

#2. Some names/careers are meant to be.

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: LindsayPNewton

#3. Physics. Physics will pull you over.

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: DivaLaci

#4. "I bet you can’t satan"

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: realmainfeeling

#5. Gotta feed the plant babies calcium.

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: Ranting_Trans

#6. Well, that escalates quickly.

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: Kaitlin_M_Ruiz

#7. "I made a joke and she started writing faster?????"

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: Noorthevirgo

#8. "Tell him if he was a male seahorse you wouldn't impregnate him."

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: dietz_meredith

#9. Just give her whatever she wants Gotham she deserves it

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: paulswhtn

#10. “Oh damn my egg”

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: rhythmnbluess

#11. Working towards world chick-peace.

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: SophiaArmen

#12. Donald better checks his AMEX!!

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: IamBrianJohns

#13. "My wife is going to be disappointed to find out I opened an entire bag of Doritos for this joke"

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: joffocakes

#14. The Father, Son, and the aauugghhh!

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: _dispossessed

#15. Bank account hurtin'

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: witstieve

#16. Men love gossip, please.

Hilarious Tweets To Cure All Your IllnessesSource: Maxthepapi

#17. “I need to review this with fresh eyes.”

Source: inreGray

#18. Vitamin I

Source: IgnatzHaderach

#19. Also, me soon as I get home:

Source: lilxinvis

#20. You're not high bro

Source: stfuayen

#21. I would absolutely let them merge.

Source: RespectfulMemes

#22. "It'll be once a day, my daily pilgrimage"

Source: mfbenji

#23. As you should baby. As you should.

Source: uglygod_geno

#24. "Sick of all these liberals calling themselves allies while they eat avocado toast in front of me."


#25. You can zoom into the future with Your Android, you’ll see my tweets still say “Twitter for iPhone”

Source: zwotheramabale

#26. Next day? More like the very same day

Source: highoffness

#27. Haters will say it’s photoshopped

Source: LilNasX

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