Is It Gay For A Man To Tell Another Man Good Morning?

Leona Martinez

Is it gay for a man to tell another man good morning? Some people think that it is weird to do so, while others believe that it is a kind and polite way of greeting someone. What do you think? Is it really weird to say good morning to another man? Let's explore this question and find out what people think about it.

One Redditor asked members of the r/AskMenAdvice subreddit, "Is it gay for a man to tell another man good morning?" In that post, the OP shared that his father told him not to say good morning to a man around his age because he thought it was too sweet. After posting his story, many people answered his question, and many of them are hilarious. If you are curious, scroll down to read the whole story and check out what people said to the OP. Don't forget to let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

This man asked people online whether he's gay for telling another man good morning

Source: Kylechs
Source: Kylechs
Source: Kylechs
Source: Kylechs

Almost all Redditors claimed that he was not "gay" for telling another man "good morning" because it's a polite thing

Source: Phandroid1991
Source: DannyDreaddit
Source: bigjack78
Source: impastafarian88
Source: halfmeasures611
Source: Naus1987
Source: Spartan2022
Source: NosoyPuli
Source: Its-ya-man-Dave
Source: berlinflieger
Source: B*ttJaw
Source: biinkii