20 Tweets From Witty Husbands That'll Make You Laugh And Cry

Manda Garcia

Marriage is a long-term relationship filled with ups and downs, highs and lows. But having a partner who can show you the funnier side of everything is what makes marriage so worthwhile. It is because as with anything in life - the struggles of it can be taken with a dash of humor. We knew we could always count on the spouses of Twitter to provide laughter for free, so we came to see what they shared about their marriage. We would like to hear from two separate sides, husbands and wives, so we could point out the difference between them. Let's hear from the husbands first!
We looked for the funniest husbands on Twitter and were very happy with what we found. Scroll down to read and laugh at what these men said to and about their wives!


Source: iwearaonesie


Source: simoncholland


Source: iwearaonesie


Source: mynameisntdave


Source: dafloydsta


Source: XplodingUnicorn


Source: tchrquotes


Source: tchrquotes


Source: TheCatWhisprer


Source: FatherWithTwins


Source: Reverend_Scott


Source: RodLacroix


Source: NewDadNotes


Source: Social_Mime


Source: ArfMeasures


Source: RodLacroix


Source: XplodingUnicorn


Source: david8hughes


Source: thedadvocate01


Source: XplodingUnicorn