High Quality Memes Prescribed To Me By My Psychiatrist

Margot Nolan

Hola chumps, Nolan here. Today we'll be doing an unboxing of the package of high quality memes that my psychiatrist prescribed me (don't ask wky). "These gems are not just your average chuckle-inducers; they're the kind that make you question your life choices and wonder if it's too late to switch to decaf," he said. Thanks, Doc, that's exactly what I need. Being the people's man, I've decided to share this stash with you all. These memes might not pay your rent, or convince your ex to return, but at least we'll be able to laugh through the pain together.

It Do Be Squirt

=A2 Source: 9GAG

Ruining Everybody's Day With Your BS Might Help

=A3 Source: 9GAG

Growing Up Was A Terrible Idea

=A4 Source: 9GAG

The Educated Minds See Premier Anatoly Cherdenko

=A5 Source: 9GAG

Confessing Without Confessing

=A6 Source: 9GAG

Literally Me

=A7 Source: 9GAG

Snap Back To Reality

=A8 Source: 9GAG

Totally Useful Life Hacks

=A9 Source: 9GAG

She's A Baddie And She Knows It

=A10 Source: 9GAG

And The B Stands For Beauty

=A11 Source: 9GAG


=A12 Source: 9GAG

DW I'm Still Your Brother Mr.Hogan

=A13 Source: 9GAG

Truly Inspiring…

=A14 Source: 9GAG

It's My Honor

=A15 Source: 9GAG

Those Silly Creatures Don't Ever Pay Taxes SMH

=A16 Source: 9GAG