Here Are Amusing Tweets From Parents That Explain How Children Make Them Feel Old

Cora Wilson

Do you ever feel younger than your true age? I am one of them. Sometimes, I feel like I haven't changed from two or three years ago, yet there are other things that make me understand I'm getting old. Probably no one understands this more than parents and children, who can make parents experience that heartbreaking reality. Every day, life changes, and these kids may have no idea what happened a decade ago.
We've compiled a list of amusing tweets from parents that explain how children make them feel old. Take a look at them to have a good laugh, and don't forget to share your stories. Let's get started!


Source: thedad


Source: beingyelisa


Source: Cheeseboy22


Source: DomesticGoddss


Source: sarcasticmommy4


Source: PaigeKellerman


Source: Grant Tanaka


Source: Six_Pack_Mom


Source: AngryRaccoon2


Source: Lhlodder


Source: PetrickSara


Source: TheEmmeReynolds


Source: outsmartedmommy


Source: MidgardMomma


Source: danicounselor


Source: StellaGMaddox