Gloss Violet-And-Lilac Colored Crown With Emerald-Green Breast Shield Are This Bird-Of-Paradise's Distinction

Carolyn Mullet

If you travel to Indonesia, you might have a chance to encounter these beautiful birdie fellows. They are a species of bird-of-paradise - standardwing birds-of-paradise (Semioptera wallacii), also known as Wallace's standardwing.

Source: Luke Seitz, TN Aketajawe-Lolobata--Pak Roji's, Maluku Utara, Maluku, Indonesia

Source: Jieles van Baalen

They are medium-sized, front-heavy brown birds with long, pale downcurved bills and distinctive elongated heads with flat crowns, forehead tufts, and orange legs. Individuals often measure 28cm in length.

Source: James Eaton, Halmahera, Maluku Utara, Maluku, Indonesia

Source: Eric VanderWerf, Weda, Maluku Utara, Maluku, Indonesia

Male standardwing birds of paradise have green-blue breast shields and long creamy-white plumes extending from the shoulders. Females and immatures are entirely earth-brown, lacking shoulder extensions and shield parts.

Source: Dustin Chen, Weda, Maluku Utara, Maluku, Indonesia

Source: Eric VanderWerf, Weda, Maluku Utara, Maluku, Indonesia

These standardwing guys are often found in canopies of tall forests in lowlands and foothills, confined to three islands in north Moluccas. Their diet consists mainly of insects, arthropods, and fruits.

Source: Eric VanderWerf, Weda, Maluku Utara, Maluku, Indonesia

Source: Ana Paula Oxom, TN Aketajawe-Lolobata--Pak Roji's, Maluku Utara, Maluku, Indonesia

The males are polygamous. They gather and perform a spectacular aerial display. When displaying, they are loud and give raucous WAA-WAA and KEE-KEE notes.

Source: Pete Morris, Halmahera, Maluku Utara, Maluku, Indonesia

           Source: Andy Walker - Birding Ecotours, Weda forest, Maluku Utara, Maluku, Indonesia

Source: Instagram/cagansekercioglu

The standardwing bird-of-paradise is evaluated as the Least Concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. If you're charmed by their beauty, hit the like-share button and comment below! For more upcoming fascinating posts, please visit our home page or click to read some titles that are interesting to you!