The Maine Coon, known for its impressive size, is a remarkable domesticated cat breed. Weighing up to a staggering 35 pounds (16 kg) or more, these feline giants command attention wherever they go. Despite their undeniable presence, the origin of the Maine Coons remains shrouded in mystery, giving rise to various intriguing myths surrounding their lineage. One such myth suggests that these majestic cats are the result of breeding between felines and raccoons, while another captivating tale claims that the Queen of France, Marie Antoinette, sought to save her cherished Turkish Angora Cats from extinction. Unfortunately, she didn't make it to the US, while the cats supposedly landed on the shores of Wiscasset, Maine, where they started breeding.
While the origin still remains a mystery, the size of these cats is extremely evident. Scroll down to look at these 20 pictures of Maine Coons that will make others look tiny.


















