30 Funny Sleep Memes That Make You Wish You Have 5 More Minutes

Jonathan Hayda

We all have problems falling asleep. It could be insomnia, cramming for exams, or because we human beings are overthinking creatures. Mine, however, is by scrolling through memes. And sometimes I would run into sleep memes that depicted my morning struggles or why I am always tired at school or at work.

So in that spirit, I have decided to compile a list of 30 sleep memes to celebrate our struggles, whether you are an early bird or a night owl. Let's get ready!

#1. How I Slept Last Night?

how-i-slept-last-night-sleep-memes Source: insomnia_memes

#2. Good Sleep

how-long-i-slept-last-night-sleep-memes Source: insomnia_memes

#3. You Saw It Too?

coworker-sleep-memes Source: insomnia_memes

#4. It's Hard

8-hours-of-sleep-sleep-memes Source: insomnia_memes

#5. You Don't See

doctor-sleep-memes Source: insomnia_memes

#6. I Wish

wishing-sleep-memes Source: Real_jaeflex

#7. What?

set-an-alarm-google-sleep-memes Source: u/somebulb

#8. Sleep Mode Is Different

3-equals-8-sleep-memes Source: @BigBearF1

#9. You Can Only Choose One

anxious-sleep-memes Source: @kenzianidiot

#10. Sleep Is Like Food

anxious-sleep-memes Source: ihyric

#11. I'm On The Right Path

when-you-cant-get-enough-8-hours-of-sleep-sleep-memes Source: itzChrisayyy

#12. Evil Comes Second

evil-second-sleep-memes Source: tanijrou

#13. It's So Strange

goku-sleep-memes Source: FreshNews247

#14. Best Life Hack

life-hack-sleep-memes Source: vtrvcr

#15. Like A Dragon Egg

incubated-like-an-egg-sleep-memes Source: jzux

#16. As Heavy As It Could

weighted-blanket-sleep-memes Source: PleaseBeGneiss

#17. They're Mad When They Wake Up

sleep-like-old-gods-sleep-memes Source: nyquills

#18. She's More Than That

Source: lowkeyalbert

#19. Don't Crossfade

#20. Math And Sleep Don't Work Well Together

#21. Let's Reminisce

throw-back-sleep-memes Source: insomnia_memes

#22. Weird Sleeping Position

weird-sleeping-with-pokemons-sleep-memes Source: u/eyerollingsex

#23. I See It Now

#24. My Best Friend

me-and-my-demon-at-3-am-sleep-memes Source: ihyric

#25. No Difference

#26. Best Sleepover

#27. Sleep Is Nice

#28. Yeah Man

thats-between-you-and-your-god-sleep-memes Source: u/Jimbo072

#29. Real Kare

Source: u/Potatatertot

#30. Why Didn't I Learn This At School?

newtons-law-sleep-memes Source: Clayton Thole

And there you have it, folks—a delightful assortment of 30 sleep memes to brighten your day and perhaps make your own late-night scrolling a bit more amusing.

As these memes remind us, sleep is an integral part of our lives, and it's perfectly okay to find humor in our nightly adventures, be it dealing with an overactive mind, snoring partners, or the age-old struggle of getting out of bed. Share these chuckles with fellow night owls and early birds, and let's all celebrate the quirky world of slumber together!