20 Funny Chihuahua Memes That Came From The Most Creative Brains

Layla Will

The Chihuahua is a very cute little dog that is also extremely 'happy'. There are many Movies with Chihuahua as the theme, such as 'Beverly Hills Chihuahua'' - a movie about a white noble Chihuahua dog, wearing Chanel No.5 perfume and wearing a diamond necklace. I don't know if you've seen it, but Layla has watched it 5 times already.I know that there are also some people who don't like the Chihuahua because the breed is very aggressive and barks a lot. But no matter how much you hate them, maybe these funny Chihuahua memes will change your mind. Chihuahuas are an endless source of inspiration for making super funny memes and can be used in any situation. Try scrolling down and relax with these unique Chihuahua memes! Let's go! If you’re hungry for some more hilarious situations, don’t miss our post here.

#1. Sexy Gal


#2. When you learn 3 words in Spanish

Source: pinterest

#3. When you send a text to someone in the same room and wait for them to open it to see if they laugh

Source: pinterest

#4. So girl, what's the hot gossip?

Source: pinterest

#5. U're a b*tch

Source: pinterest

#6. When you sneeze 3 times in a row and they say 'shut the fuck up' instead of 'bless you'

Source: pinterest

#7. When you run into someone you never chilled with in high school and they say 'we gotta chill man'

Source: pinterest

#8. Your mom at home vs. your mom in public

Source: pinterest

#9. Frog parking only

Source: greatpetcare

#10. If I were you...

Source: greatpetcare

#11. Hey punks...

Source: greatpetcare

#12. Fashion isn't for everyone but I'm not everyone

Source: greatpetcare

#13. Set the alarm earlier so I can hit snooze button often

Source: greatpetcare

#14. Tried to cat today, may try again tomorrow

Source: greatpetcare

#15. Tells me make a left but never said when

Source: greatpetcare

#16. More over 50 cent

Source: greatpetcare

#17. You can't handle the tooth

Source: greatpetcare

#18. What I lack in weight

Source: greatpetcare

#19. Hey

Source: greatpetcare

#20. Yearbook photos

 YearSource: greatpetcare